Certificate on non-marital status (on family status)
1. Which body provides the certificate of non-marital status and who can apply for it?
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia issues a certificate on family status. You can apply for the certificate online via the unified public services platform of the Ministry of Justice: https://e-services.moj.am/ .
The certificate can be obtained by:
- applicant (the person, to whom the certificate is issued),
- a person authorized by the applicant (except when applying via an electronic platform).
2. What documents must be submitted for a certificate on family status?
In case of personal application:
- application,
- an identity document (passport or ID card),
- receipt for payment of the state duty,
- in case of divorce – a copy of the divorce certificate is required.
In case of application by an authorized person:
- application,
- an identity (passport or identity card) of the applicant,
- a copy of the identity document of the authorized person,
- a simple power of attorney issued by the applicant (notarization is not required),
- in case of previous state registration of marriage - a document that is the basis for the termination of the last marriage (divorce certificate or a divorce decision that has entered into legal force or a death certificate of a spouse);
- a receipt for payment of the state duty.
State Fee and Payment Method for the Certificate of non-marital status.