Minister Oskanian’s interview to the APA

24 January, 2008

Question - We would like to know whether the sides are really given the so called "time out" to "look at the whole picture", as Mr. Fasie says? Is there an MFAs meeting planned before the presidential elections in Armenia?

Answer -There is no time schedule for a negotiations process as complicated as this one. The sides take however much time they need. And there are always other circumstances that affect the process. In this case, Armenia has elections and logistically, further meetings soon will be problematic.

Question- What are you waiting from 2008 in terms of Nagorno-Karbakh conflict? Will
there be any progress?

Answer -We are always hopeful that there will be progress. For 2008, too, we believe there is a chance to make significant movement forward. We will have a new president, Azerbaijan’s president will run for re-election, and the possibility of a peace deal can only be good for all the peoples concerned.

Question - What are those aspects Azerbaijan and Armenia dont agree on (I mean those
 in the Madrid proposals) and how many are they?

Answer -There are basic principles which we all agree must be addressed in the document. However, their final formulation still requires work. These differences cannot be quantified, but suffice it to say that in a spirit of compromise, we can find ways to agree and address the core causes of the conflict and their consequences. 
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