The comment of Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia on the statement of the Heads of delegations of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries

17 July, 2010

 The five-sided meeting was a useful one, despite there was no possibility to make a five-sided statement. Of course as usual that was caused by the unconstructive position of the Azerbaijani side.

The representatives of the co-chair countries, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, French Foreign Minister Kouchner and Deputy State Secretary of the United States Steinberg made a statement on the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. What is that statement about? First of all, there is a reference to the statement made during the meeting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers on December 1st, 2009. There is a reference to the three principles on which basis the problem should be settled, the well-known principles: non use of force or threat of force, self-determination and territorial integrity. There is a reference to the statements of Presidents Medvedev, Obama and Sarkozy, made in l’Aquila last year and in Muskoka this year and to the principles and elements included in them. In the statement it is noted that the problem should be settled on the basis of those principles.

Importantly it is noted that it is not acceptable to select some of the principles over the others. If Azerbaijan is concentrated only on one of those three principles, on the territorial integrity, in reality there are three principles. The Azerbaijanis take out only one of the six elements of Muskoka, they say ‘yes’ to one, that they are ready to work on the basis of one of these proposals, but after the territories are returned. In reality they are taking out only one of those six elements and they are manipulating with it. The co-chair countries have openly and clearly said that it is an unconstructive approach, there cannot be selectiveness to those principles. These principles have been conceived as an integrated whole.

Second, this statement stressed that steps should be taken for the consolidation of the cease-fire. Azerbaijan is refusing the proposal to strengthen the ceasefire for many years now. The co-chair states once again underlined its necessity to create appropriate conditions to continue the negotiations for the settlement of the problem.

This statement also mentioned the provocation masterminded by the Azerbaijani side on June 18th, and the other steps and acts committed by Azerbaijan. I think it is clear to everybody of whom it is talked because it is mentioned about inflammatory statements that are aggravating the situation and that are not contributing to the settlement of the problem. 

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