Interview of Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Manasaryan to Mediamax News Agency

07 March, 2011

- The world became a witness of dramatic events in the Middle East and in Arab Africa countries – Tunisia, Egypt, Libya. How would you comment on these events, especially since you were the Ambassador of Armenia to Egypt, and you know the country and the region personally? 

- It is difficult to describe these events as a revolution. Those are more of riots, social breakthroughs. It is difficult to comment today on those events, since in reality it is had to say what will happen next. 

It is the end of the 30 years’ rule of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. This period should be associated with a very long period of emergency situation regime in the country. On the one hand, this emergency situation was in fact unnoticeable in everyday life. On the other hand, this situation allowed the authorities doing absolutely everything without any explanations.  

But what will happen next in Egypt and in Libya is difficult to imagine. It is hard to forecast what forces will come to power – pro-Islamic ones, or forces, which will lead the country to democracy. The most important is not to have a period of anarchy, chaos, which may lead to unpredictable consequences. 

- Recently the visit of the Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China to Yerevan took place. What are the main results of that visit? 

- In the entire history of Armenian-Chinese interrelations, the visit of Yang Jiechi to Armenia is of course significant. Important is the circumstance that the visit took place at the initiative of the Chinese side and was not a regional visit. This fact evidences that the Armenian-Chinese relations are at quite a high level. 

In Yerevan, the Minister stated that China really attaches great importance to relations with Armenia and the Armenian direction is of priority importance in the foreign policy vector of China. The meetings in Yerevan were really rich, and the discussion concerned a wide range of issues. 

If we speak of foreign policy issues, it was reaffirmed that the relations are of priority nature for both sides. It was also emphasized that there is full mutual understanding also within the framework of international organizations. The Chinese side expressed gratitude to us for our stance as to the issue of united China and other problems, which are very important for the Chinese foreign policy. 

From our part it was also highlighted that we are grateful for the balanced policy, which China carries out concerning Armenia and first of all concerning the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh. 

During the visit it was suggested updating the corresponding agreement between the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and China and bringing it in compliance with today’s realities. Probably, together with the agreement, we will also compose a draft of a program of concrete measures. It was also noted that the Chinese side reaffirms its intention to carry out another round of bilateral political consultations by the end of this year. 

This year we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China, and there is preliminary arrangement on holding number events in both countries.

Despite the global crisis, the trade-economic cooperation stirs up as well. The trade balance last year made USD 255mln instead of USD 171mln in 2009. The Armenian export increased significantly. In 2008 we exported USD 1.8mln of production to China, whereas in 2010 we had a figure of USD 30mln. 

Of course, the dynamics is very positive, however China is a country, with which it is very difficult to speak of any limit for the level of trade-economic relations. Taking into account the existing dynamics and the readiness of the sides to continue interacting, I very much hope that this year economic indices will exceed the data for 2010. 

Quite important is also the factor of activity of Chinese business in our market. The Chinese side highlighted a very interesting and important project: the launch of a joint enterprise – “Shanxi-Nairit” Plant, which is a definite fact of implementing concrete agreements. The Chinese side also reaffirmed its interest towards our investment projects, and the representatives of Chinese companies will soon arrive in Yerevan for consultations and for getting familiar with the situation on the spot. 

During Yang Jiechi’s visit, they also discussed the issue of holding another session of the Armenian-Chinese trade-economic cooperation intergovernmental commission.

Literally two days after the departure of the Minister, we received an official statement from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Chine in Armenia, according to which the Chinese side offered to carry out a session in early April. At the same time a business forum will be held, which will be attended by about 30 Chinese companies. 

- There were many talks about China’s interest towards the project of constructing Iran-Armenia railroad. Is this issue still on the agenda? 

- Yes, indeed, Chinese companies demonstrated interest towards this project. I hope that soon the representatives of those companies will arrive in Yerevan and we will hold discussions with them. These companies can participate in the international tender. 

- Did you discuss the issue of Yerevan-Beijing direct regular flights during the meetings? 

- There is an interesting situation formed as to that issue. “Armavia” launched flights, but they are not regular. Those are charter flights. The Chinese side made a concrete offer during the meetings in Yerevan: to realize flights not to Beijing, but in the direction of Yerevan- Ürümqi, taking into account that this flight may be organized as a connection flight for Yerevan-Beijing, and at the same time, there is really great demand in Ürümqi for flights to third countries via Armenia. The most important is that there is interest, and I hope that in the nearest future we will have regular flights and new directions. 

- Recently the visits of Armenian Foreign Minister to India took place. What is the level of relations with this country? 

- We have a proper dialogue with India in terms of foreign policy. 

What I said concerning China in terms of bilateral relations and in terms of cooperation within the framework of international organizations, is also applicable concerning India. 

We support India as to its vital issues of foreign policy. They lead a very balanced policy concerning us. In terms of trade-economic cooperation we of course yield. I believe that we should take up certain measures on order to interest businessmen and familiarize them with the Armenian market. A delegation, consisting of representatives of about 30 Indian pharmaceutical companies, will arrive in Armenia.  

The official visit of the Armenian President to India is on the agenda. There are no definite dates yet, but a principle agreement was reached during the visit of the Foreign Minister to India. 

- How do the matters stand concerning Japan?

- The relations between Armenia and Japan were of exclusively economic nature within the framework of Japanese Development Agency’s programs until recently. But after the visit of the Foreign Minister of Armenia to Japan in 2009, and after the opening of the Embassy of Armenia in Tokyo, we observe good dynamics. Recently, two Japanese delegations visited Yerevan. I hope that by the end of this year, the visit of the Armenian President to Japan will take place. 

- What other interesting factors are there for Armenia in the Asian-Pacific region besides the above-mentioned countries? 

- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia has already made a decision to stir up our activity in the given direction. They are preparing the regional visit of the Minister to a number of Asian-Pacific counties. 

First of all, the matter concerns South Korea, since there is a great potential for developing relations with it. We passed a package of investment projects to the Korean side. It caused great preliminary interest among Korean companies. 

With Thailand we had very active interrelations before the start of the instability period in the given country. Now the situation has stabilized a bit, and we have intensive contacts. Of course, we should not forget about countries, such as the Philippines and Vietnam. From the first glance, they are located very far from us, but we should try to lead to a proper, positive political dialogue and trade-economic relations. 

- This year, the visit of the Armenian Foreign Minister to the countries of “Sub-Saharan Africa” was planned for. Are those plans still there? 

- Yes, this issue is still on the agenda. 


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