The comment of the Armenian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Shavarsh Kocharian to the question by “News am”

11 April, 2011

Question: Mr. Kocharyan, Today Azerbaijani President was surprised as of why the resolutions of the UN Security Council of 1993 on Nagorno-Karabakh have not been implemented up to now.

Answer. I think that the “surprise” of Mr. Aliyev can not hide the fact that in response to the calls of the UN Security Council’s resolutions of 1993 to stop the military actions, Azerbaijan, nourishing illusions to succeed by another military adventurism, prevented the implementation of those resolutions until it had to ask the Karabakhi side for a ceasefire.

And if the Azerbaijani authorities really want to settle the issue, they should not accuse the international community, but give up the illusions to solve the issue through use of force and come to terms with the Karabakhi people's expression of will to determine their own fortune.

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