The answer of the Armenian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Shavarsh Kocharian to the question by “Mediamax” News Agency

20 April, 2011

Question: Mr Kocharian, according to Azerbaijani media, the President of Romania Traian Basescu said that he considers that Nagorno-Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan and that issue should be solved on the basis of the principle of territorial integrity. What is your comment on it?

Answer: I would not like to believe that a head of any EU member state could make such a biased and destructive statement. If such a statement was really made, it is contrary to the approach of the international community, the positions of the OSCE and the EU, the joint statements of the Ministerial Meetings in Helsinki, Athens, Almaty, Astana Summit, Presidents Medvedev, Obama and Sarkozy, which clearly state that the final status of Nagorno-Karabakh should be decided through expression of free will that should have a legally binding force.

Such statements, made to gratify Azerbaijan, can cause at least perplexity.

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