The answer of the Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian to the questions asked in the RA National Assembly

25 May, 2011

Gagik Melikian: The Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov made a statement claiming that the units of the NK Defense Army must be withdrawn
from two liberated territories, and nowadays that question is a subject of
the negotiations. The second issue voiced by Mammadyarov in a cynical
manner is that Azerbaijan considers Armenian side’s proposal on
withdrawing of snipers from the line of contact as ridiculous one and that
such an issue can not be discussed at all. To what extent do these
statements correspond to reality?

Edward Nalbandian: Thank you for your question Mister Deputy. First of
all, Azerbaijan should agree with the proposal of the international
community according to which the status of the NK should be determined by
the people of Nagorno-Karabakh through a legally binding expression of
will. This is what is being negotiated now, and the leadership of
Azerbaijan should prepare its public opinion for this idea. As to the
question on what Azerbaijan ridicules or cries, I do not think it is funny
for the UN Secretary General, Minsk Group Co-Chair countries or the
leadership of the EU. The proposals voiced by them, the expressed
approaches towards the bellicose rhetoric and stance, consolidation of the
ceasefire and the withdrawal of snipers, those statements are not only
being ignored but also becoming subject of mockery in Azerbaijan.

Gagik Melikyan: Thank you, Mr. Minister, I think that the international
community will also give appropriate assessments to those statements of
the leadership of Azerbaijan voiced for the internal use.

Edward Nalbandian: I believe that such assessments and responses have been made by the international community and I am confident that there will be new responses.

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