Comments by Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Affairs Minister of Armenia, to the Deauville statement on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

26 May, 2011

We highly appreciate the efforts of Presidents Medvedev, Obama and Sarkozy directed at the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The statement made today on the sidelines of the G8 Summit in Deauville by
the leaders of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries, contains important
messages and may become an impetus for the settlement of the issue.

Armenia has always been in support of the settlement of the conflict
between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh through by exclusively peaceful means and has repeatedly confirmed this in practice. It is therefore clear to whom the unequivocal message of this statement is addressed in this regard.

Armenia has given a clear answer to the latest version of the basic
principles proposed by the three Co-Chairs as a basis for the negotiations
of the settlement. If Azerbaijan gives an unequivocal consent, then it
will be possible to register progress in the process of the settlement. It
is apparent, who is the addressee of the message voiced in the statement
also in this regard.

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