The answer of the RA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Shavarsh Kocharian to the question of the “Regnum” news agency

14 October, 2011

Question: Mr. Kocharian, how would you comment the recent statements of Azeri high-ranking officials made frequently on their anxiety about the military capacity of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, which are at the same time accompanied by an open threat of use of force.

Answer: The insincere wail by Azerbaijan on the consequences of the unleashed war against Nagorno–Karabakh is not something new. The novelty is in the transformation from tearful aggression to aggressive tearfulness. And it is quite logical, because Baku should explain its own people where the billions have gone about which they are permanently voicing from every tribunes and were supposedly directed to the arming and equipping the army, and why the policy of blackmailing of strength in the negotiations has failed. It’s also natural that Azerbaijan’s inherited regime, criticizing everybody, everything and everywhere now is a deadlock, face to face with its own people.

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