The answer of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian on the question at the National Assembly

08 February, 2012

Question: According to some publications, Foreign Minister of Israel Lieberman said that the term Holocaust is not applicable to the Armenian Genocide. I would like to have a comment on this matter.

Answer: First of all, nobody uses the term Holocaust to describe the Armenian Genocide.

Armenian Medz Eghern is described by the term «Genocide». And not only because dozens of countries and international organizations have recognized the Armenian Genocide.

When Raphael Lemkin suggested the term “Genocide” for the first time, he was referring to the case of the Armenian Medz Eghern. Later this term started to be used by different international organizations, in different international documents.

I would also like to remind that the director of Jerusalem Institute of Holocaust and Genocide Israel Charny has said that it is time to end (this game of words), this charade and that Israel has to finally recognize the Armenian Genocide.

While saying this, Charny was not motivated by certain political considerations. Everyone in Israel realizes that Charny knows too well the meaning of the Holocaust and the Genocide.


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