Comment by Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Affairs Minister of Armenia, on the Los Cabos Statement on Nagorno-Karabakh

19 June, 2012

We highly appreciate the efforts of heads of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair states- the Presidents of Russia, the USA and France, aimed at the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

This statement adopted in Los Cabos by Presidents Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama and François Hollande is the fourth one made by the heads of the Co-Chair countries on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue which may become an impetus for the process of negotiation.

Armenia is unanimous with the Co-Chair countries in its resolute commitment to achieving a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

As Russia, the United States and France, we also regret that in spite of the call in the joint statement of Deauville on May 26, 2011, progress was not achieved at the Kazan Summit on June 24, because of the non-constructive, maximalist position of Azerbaijan.

Being committed to the achieved agreements, reflected in the Statement of Sochi made by the Presidents of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan on January 23of this year, Armenia will continue its efforts aimed at the reaching agreement on the Basic Principles of the Settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict.

As the Co-Chair countries, we have many times urged to respect the ceasefire agreement of May 1994 and abstain from hostile rhetoric that increases tension.

Unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan has rejected and continues to reject the Co-Chair countries’ proposals to consolidate the ceasefire; to withdraw snipers from the line of contact, to create a mechanism on investigating ceasefire violations and incidents. Last time it was done a week ago during the visit of the OSCE Chairman in Office to Baku.

Azerbaijan is not only rejecting those proposals, but is also flagrantly violating the ceasefire and continuously masterminding provocations.

Armenia, unlike Azerbaijan, has on numerous occasions reiterated that it is ready to continue the negotiations on the basis of the statements of the heads of the Co-Chair states made in L’Aquila, Muskoka, Deauville, and I could also add Los Cabos, to achieve asettlement of the conflict.

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