The answer of Minister Nalbandian to the question of “Armenpress” news agency

20 July, 2012

Question: What can you tell about the presidential elections held in Artsakh yesterday?

Answer: Free, fair and competitive elections held on July 19 in Nagorno-Karabakh testify to the commitment of the authorities and people of Artsakh to strengthening democracy and the rule of law.

Commendable is the presence of a few dozens of international observers, who evaluated the elections as well organized, transparent, in conformity with international standards.

I do not think that any democratic country can dispute the necessity and importance of the formation of authorities through democratic elections.

The international community, naturally, should be interested in dealing with the authorities elected by the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, especially, taking into consideration that it is envisaged by the mandate of the OSCE Minsk Conference.

Through these elections the people of Artsakh has again demonstrated its determination to govern its destiny by democratic means.

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