The answer of the Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan to the question of the Armenpress agency

01 September, 2012

How would you comment the attempts of official Baku to justify the pardon of Ramil Safarov, who killed the Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan with an axe, while he was asleep, in Budapest according to the 1983 Strasbourg Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons?

The attempts of Baku to justify the granted pardon to Ramil Safarov according to the provisions of Strasburg Convention are as groundless and horrific as are the setting free and honoring of the life imprisoned slaughterer. This alarming act of the authorities of Azerbaijan not only contradicts to the humanistic purposes of the Convention, but also to the spirit of the whole European system of human rights.

The attempts of Azerbaijan to cast shadow on the international legal norms and adjust them to their own xenophobic, racist “value system” are doomed to failure. They only equate the abominable murderer to the Azerbaijani leadership glorifying him.

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