The answer of Edward Nalbandian to the question voiced at the Parliament

12 September, 2012

R. Hakobyan: My question is the following: is it not the time for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to present an official requirement to the Minsk Group for the recognition of the independence of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh by the member-states of Minsk Group. And the second, it is not the time to adopt long-range tactical project in the frames of parliamentary and executive diplomacy, including public diplomacy which we have today due to our Diaspora on the background of international opinion which is totally positive for us. And it is not the time to conduct a work, total work towards the internationally recognition of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh.

E. Nalbandian: Mr. Hakobyan, you mentioned that the reaction of the international community was unequivocal and favorable conditions have been created today for us. It is due to not only our efforts undertaken those days, but also to our policy which we have been conducting in those years. We should calmly continue that policy which is perceptible by the international community and could bring such unanimous reaction and support to Armenia.

What has been presented publicly is well-known. In recent days I have received dozens of phone calls from foreign ministers of various countries, including from the European Union, who express their full support to our efforts and perceptibility to our policy.

In these conditions it’s important that not to take steps which would allow the removal of the solid ground from under our feet. So we should be very careful and correctly continue the policy which we have conducted up to now and which has brought and brings concrete results, and the international community shows its support to us.

With regard to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue we are saying that our position is in line with the position of the international community, and the Co-Chairs have a mandate provided by the international community, at least 56 countries of the OSCE who present not only themselves but also the opinion of the international community. We have repeatedly said that during those recent years our position is in line with the position of the Co-Chairs, moreover the position of the Co-Chairs is in line with our position. So we should keep calm and continue to do what we have done.

Question, R. Hakobyan: I understand that only very small percentage of diplomacy is public, mainly it is conducted invisibly and that is correct. But I can say something else. What I said was foremost a rhetorical question. I am confident that right now we have an exclusive opportunity for our diplomacy to present the issue of the recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic as a state position. International recognition is the only condition of giving immunity to the independent state, which should start from the Republic of Armenia. Thank you.

E. Nalbandian: You know that during our previous discussion I said that Armenia will continue its efforts aimed at the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue through the recognition of the right of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination and through the international recognition of the realization of that right. This is the basis and goal of our negotiations and no one could have any other view in this respect. Thank you.

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