The interview of the Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian to the Public TV’s “First News” program

31 December, 2012

Question: Minister Nalbandian, 2012 is over, how would you describe it, what achievements have been reached?

Edward Nalbandian: In 2012 the activities of the Foreign Ministry were directed at the strengthening of our country’s reputation and positions in the international stage, the increase of the number of our friends in various continents. One of the main achievements of our foreign policy, which has been confirmed in 2012, as well, is the correspondence between the positions of our country and international community over issues of vital importance to our people.

The year of 2012 proved that our strategy towards the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is not only perceived, but is also enjoying the support of the international community. A proof to that were the statements made in Sochi, Los-Cabos and Dublin.

Question: But every day the Azeri leadership is emanating hatred towards Artsakh and Armenia.

Edward Nalbandian: It is a proof to the weakness of their positions. Some high-ranking Azeri politicians are trying to look like the last Iraqi Minister for Propaganda under Saddam Hussein’s government. Baku’s statements and provocations are respectively getting the negative reaction of the international community, as did Safarov’s deal, which was a disgrace for Azerbaijan and was unequivocally condemned by the entire world.

On the eve of the New Year let’s speak about positive things- together with the Co-Chairs Armenia will continue its efforts towards the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue exclusively through peaceful means.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been consistently worked towards the further strengthening of the relations with our ally Russia. The strategic interaction in the frames of the CSTO has gotten a new impetus, cooperation developed in the CIS format.

Important steps were undertaken towards the development of friendly partnership with the United States.

Progress was recorded towards the expansion of the relations with the European Union and the European countries. As it was expected, an agreement on visa facilitation was signed, and the negotiations have successfully been conducted over the Association Agreement and the creation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area.

The geography of our friendly ties has considerably expanded, towards the Asian, Latin American and African directions.

The developments in the Arab world were kept under our attention, our efforts have been directed at the provision of security of the Syrian Armenians and the solution of rising issues.

Despite the year was an electoral one, but the foreign political agenda was quite exhaustive, also with high level visits. I would like to note that more than a hundred international treaties and agreements were signed.

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