Comment by MFA Spokesman Tigran Balayan to a question by website

04 February, 2013

Question: The Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan claims that during the meeting last week in Paris the Armenian side has supposedly rejected some proposals made by Azerbaijan. Could you clarify?

Answer: During the last meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan and the three Co-Chairs in Paris the Azerbaijani side made no proposals.

Moreover, the five-party press release about that meeting agreed by the Foreign Ministers and three co-chairs has not been posted on the Azerbaijani MFA website. Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani MFA Spokesman is attempting to present their invented interpretation about that meeting. The same had happened with the agreed press release of the previous Paris meeting. This is nothing than so typical for Azerbaijani side intention to mislead its public opinion.

The Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan is right only in one thing: in Paris the approaches of the Armenian Foreign Minister did not differ from the approaches expressed previously. That is natural, Armenia’s position has been and is in line with the approaches of the international community expressed by the three Co-Chairs.

Yet, the Azerbaijani side is obstinately continuing to reject or is attempting to revise all the proposals made by the Co-Chairs, which repeated also during the last meeting in Paris.

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