Answer of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian to a question by

20 March, 2013

Question: High ranking officials in Azerbaijan claim that because of Armenia the status quo in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process is continuing, that Armenia can not be a competitor to Azerbaijan, therefore, Armenia should make unilateral concessions.

Answer: Azerbaijan is the only responsible party for the lack of progress and the maintenance of status quo in the process of the conflict settlement. It is known to the international community, and the Co-Chairs are aware of it.

If Azerbaijan is in fact interested in the change of status quo, then long time ago it should have given its consent instead of rejecting the Co-Chairs’ proposals over the last years.

Indeed, Armenia and Azerbaijan can not be competitors in terms of democracy, tolerance, human rights, economic freedoms, media freedom, freedom of expression and other fundamental freedoms. The logic and direction of development of our states and societies is reverse comparative.

Azerbaijan is deepening the foundations of authoritarianism, Armenia is deepening the foundations of democracy. This is clearly seen in the assessments and rating indexes of relevant international organizations. There is an immense gap between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijani officials believe that they can acquire authority by money, buy friends, erect statues, pass somewhat dubious resolutions and present that to the internal audience as an achievement, as a proof of high reputation.

It is not through the presence of money, caviar or even oil that a country’s authority is assessed in the international arena. In the recent years we witnessed what occurred to not less rich and self-content authoritarian regimes.

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