Remarks of Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian Before The Meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry

07 June, 2013

Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be in Washington. Thank you very much
for a warm welcome. I’m very glad to be back to Washington to meet
you, Secretary, and to have a conversation on perspectives of
enhancement of the friendly partnership between Armenia and the United

Both countries have a good interaction in the international arena
covering international regional security, non-proliferation, fight
against terrorism, as you mentioned, peacekeeping operations from
Kosovo to Afghanistan, other challenges. We are sharing vision – same
vision – that it is important to continue efforts to find exclusively
peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict based on the
principles and norms of international law, particularly non-use of
force or threat of force, self-determination, territorial integrity.

We are sharing the vision that the relations between Armenia and
Turkey should be normalized without preconditions. We are sharing the
same values of democracy, fundamental freedoms, liberty, human rights,
market economy. We are very thankful that during the last two decades
since our independence, United States extended very important support
to Armenia, and we are thankful for that.

I would like to use also opportunity to express our gratitude to the
President Obama Administration for remarkable contribution to the
strengthening of Armenian-American relations, which are today in their
highest point. And I’m sure and confident that with our joint efforts,
we could elevate that to new heights. And the trust and understanding
between our two countries is – are the best pillars to extend further
our relations.

Thank you again very much. Thank you.

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