FM Edward Nalbandian’s briefing to reporters

22 November, 2013

Question: Mr. Minister, Armenia is going to participate in Vilnius summit: is the list of delegates known?

Answer: All the details will be told in proper way and in proper time.

Question: Is it to say it’s not decided yet?

Answer: It’s decided, but will be informed in appropriate time.

Question: What are the expectations, what is Armenia going to sign?

Answer: I said already, whatever it will be you will know in proper way and in proper time.

Question: What’s your opinion, will Ukraine’s refusal affect on Armenia’s intention?

Answer: Every country decides for itself how to develop relations with neighboring countries and regional organizations. As of our relations with EU, we have expressed our position many times. Armenia wishes to continue cooperation with the EU in all possible directions. It was also mentioned in the press release, which was published in Brussels after the meeting with Catherine Ashton. Catherine Ashton has announced on her part that the EU wanted to continue developing of comprehensive cooperation with Armenia in all directions, which would be compatible with Armenia’s decision to become a member of the Customs Union. There is nothing additional to be informed about it presently.

Question: Mr Minister, is the President going to lead the Armenian delegation?

Answer: I said that we will inform about it in proper way and in due course.

Question: But what is going to happen, isn’t an intrigue occurring there?

Answer: About the visits, participation in organized international summits on different levels, as you know, is informed… in how many days? It has never happened ten days or a week ahead of the event.

Question: Simply the society is interested in this question… .

Answer: I told you, you’ll see the press release and will know.

Question: Prospects for development with the EU…?

Answer: The prospects are good, positive, we are going to continue the cooperation.

Question: Is it possible that after the refusal of Ukraine the stress on the Eastern Partnership by EU will weaken, and Armenia is in it too. That is EU turns to…

Answer: That question has to be addressed to the EU, as far as Armenia is concerned, I have told about our position already.

Question: There are discussions about Vahan Hovhannisian’s agrément, what would you comment?

Answer: Whether the agrément was requested or not, how the process is proceeding, according to the accepted rules, these kinds of questions can’t be discussed publicly. When the procedures connected with the appointment of an ambassador are finalized, a decision is made, about which an appropriate press release is published. I’m saying this not in relation to any concrete appointment, but generally this is the accepted procedure.

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