Answer of Minister Nalbandian to the question of the Karen Avagyan, MP

26 March, 2014

Question: What steps are being undertaken concerning recent events in Kessab? Several youth organizations apply to us wishing to help Kessab Armenians. Can you tell us how those organizations could deliver their assistance?

Answer: The statement of the President of Armenia on Kessab events is an evidence of our deep concern. The President has given directives and we are doing everything possible to provide the necessary help and assistance to Kessab Armenians. In the framework of the UN bodies in New York and Geneva, in other international organizations necessary steps are being taken. Our concerns are raised also in the bilateral format during contacts with nearly thirty countries.
Our Embassy in Damascus has instructions and is implementing the respective work.

Until the recent events 70 percent of Kessab’s population consisted of Armenians. Today around 700 families have found refuge in Latakia. Those who don’t have relatives there have found shelter in the Armenian church of Latakia.
Today a meeting with the delegation of the National Assembly of Armenia has was organized at the Armenian church. You know, that a parliamentary delegation has visited Syria. Today they have arrived in Latakia and now a meeting is being held. I think in two hours they should get back to Damascus, where they will have meetings tomorrow. The Ambassador of Armenia in Syria is accompanying the MPs.

Of course, our compatriots- Kessab Armenians, are in a very difficult predicament. If there are possibilities for assistance it will be right to organize that work through the Ministry of Diaspora which has done a great deal of work in that direction not only in assisting Kessab Armenians, but also Syrian Armenians generally. All our efforts are directed to that goal- helping Syrian Armenians.

I would also like to underline that all Armenians in Armenia as well as in Diaspora have a consolidated approach to this issue and are acting with a deep understanding of the importance of joint steps.

As soon as our MPs return to Armenia, they will present what they heard and saw during the meetings with Kessab Armenians. We will continue to use not only our diplomatic assets but also other possibilities for facilitating, resolving the problems faced by Kessab Armenians.

Karen Avagyan:
Mr. Minister, as I understood the Ministry of Diaspora is the channel for the assistance.

Edward Nalbandian: Yes, it will be right to organize the assistance through the Ministry of Diaspora as it has a great experience. An intensive work is being done to help Syrian Armenians who have arrived in Armenia as well as to those who continue to remain there.

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