28 May, 2014

QUESTION: Will anything be signed in Astana?

ANSWER: We would have declared, had there been anything to sign. It would be what has already been declared.

QUESTION: That is to say, it will not be signed?

ANSWER: As soon as Astana meeting is held will see.

QUESTION: What is the official reaction of Yerevan on the elections held in Ukraine?

ANSWER: You can find the official reaction in the congratulatory message sent by our President to the President-elect of Ukraine.

QUESTION: Do we in fact recognize?

ANSWER: As the President of the Republic of Armenia has congratulated the newly elected President of Ukraine, can there be anything else?

QUESTION: At what stage is currently the process of the settlement of Karabakh issue? What are the Co-Chairs plans?

ANSWER: The negotiation process takes its normal course. I think in a few days the Co-Chairs will be in Azerbaijan, as last time they arrived in the region, visited Armenia, Karabakh, held meetings with the leadership, the Azerbaijani leaders were out of the country. They will return to the region in a few days to meet also the leadership of Azerbaijan.

QUESTION: Are you not concerned by the fact that the adversary continues arming?

ANSWER: It is of concern, also for the whole international community and the Co-Chairs, who always call upon taking respective steps to consolidate ceasefire, withdraw snipers and create a mechanism of investigation of ceasefire violations and incidents.

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