Answer of Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian to the question of the news site

02 August, 2014

Question: Taking into account the statement of the US Embassy about the possible impacts on Armenia of the sanctions imposed by the EU and the USA against the Russian companies, as well as the delays of the membership of the Republic of Armenia to the Eurasian Economic Union, can it be expected a revision of the policy of Armenia’s membership to that structure?

Answer: The membership of the Republic of Armenia to the Eurasian Union is deriving from the interests of economic development and strategic interests of our country. Our membership to that structure can not be put under doubt. Armenia will surely strive to lead the membership process to the Eurasian Economic Union to its conclusion, undertaking its full share of responsibility in the decision making mechanisms in that structure. That will grant new opportunities to Armenia in terms of raising competitiveness in its main export markets and increasing the export volume, further enhancing and deepening of economic relations with the member states of the Union, as well as encouraging direct investments from those states into Armenia.

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