Answers of the Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian during the Q&A with the Government at the National Assembly

22 October, 2014

Tevan Poghosyan - My question is addressed to the Foreign Minister. How would you assess Armenia-EU cooperation as well as the cooperation of Armenia with other European institutions. What expectations do you have from the new leadership of the EU starting from November 1, in particular, after assuming office by Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council; Federica Mogherini, the EU’s High Commissioner on foreign policy; and Johannes Hahn, the EU Commissioner on Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, and can you also brief on the steps to be taken by Armenia for the development of relations which experienced regress after September 3, 2013?

Edward Nalbandian - The European Union continues to be an important partner for Armenia, as it used to be in the past. Our relations cover many areas. Periodically meetings are held between Armenia and the EU in the framework of established institutional formats, for example - the Cooperation Council, Cooperation Committee, four Sub-Committees. Armenia is actively involved in the activities of multilateral platforms, as well as is included in more than ten expert groups on such issues as democracy, justice, culture, education, energy, etc.

We also actively cooperate in the sphere of mobility. You noted, as if since September 2013 the relations with the EU have experienced a regress, but I have to remind you that since January, 2014, the Visa facilitation agreement between Armenia and the EU came into force. Since March, 2014, the special agreement which allows Armenia to participate in various EU programs and in the works of various EU agencies, came into action as well.

You know that after September 2013, last November a joint statement was issued with the European Union during the Vilnius Summit, and we also exchanged letters with Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the EU, where we expressed our mutual commitment to continue the comprehensive cooperation in all possible fields of our common interest. In the near future we will continue our cooperation and work with the new leadership of the European Union to form a legal basis of our relations. In the following two months several phases are planned. At the beginning of November the Minister of Economy will visit Brussels to discuss the possibilities and perspectives of cooperation between Armenia and the EU in the spheres of trade and economy.

In the second half of November the session of Trade Committee is scheduled, as well as a meeting of the high officials of Eastern Partnership, and in December the session of the EU- Armenia Cooperation Council will take place at the ministerial level. All these formats will give opportunity to continue our regular dialogue with the EU.

Tevan Poghosyan – Thank you, Mr. Minister, for representing in detail this whole list. Is it sufficient to let Armenia and EU manage to sign the political section of the Association Agreement, which will let the part of our reforms in freedoms, security, justice, human rights to ensure Armenia’s further development, so that they are really implemented and the reforms are carried out.

Edward Nalbandian - I can only confirm that Armenia is ready in all formats, in all areas and in all possible directions to continue its comprehensive cooperation with the European Union, which do not contradict our other commitments in other integration processes. 

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