The Answer of Foreign Minister to a question of journalists in the National Assembly

22 October, 2014


After the Q&A session with the Government at the National Assembly, upon the request of the journalists, answering a question about the scheduled Paris meeting between the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan on the initiative of the President of France, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said:

“We highly appreciate the initiative of the President of France François Hollande. The scheduled meeting in Paris is the third summit initiated by the Co-Chair countries during the last three months. This demonstrates the determination of the Co-Chair countries to continue their joint active efforts for the aim of ensuring progress in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

As of why there is no progress in the negotiation process, I think, it is apparent to everyone. The reason for that does not lie in Nagorno-Karabakh, in Armenia, nor in the Co-Chairs. The reason lies in Azerbaijan. If the conduct of Azerbaijan in the negotiations in the not so distant past could be characterized as “one step forward, two steps back,” now it seems to be expressed in the principle of “no step forward and several steps back.”

Time will show to what extent it would be possible to bring the Azerbaijani side to a constructive field.
Armenia has always positively reacted to the initiatives of the Co-Chair countries in organizing of meetings, particularly on the highest level, on the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement and as always, we are heading to the Paris meeting with a constructive attitude.”


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