Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian sent a condolence letter on Kirk Kerkorian’s demise

17 June, 2015

It is with deepest grief that I learned about the passing away of a great Armenian, Kirk Kerkorian.

The irretrievable loss befell Armenians all over the world as we have lost a remarkable Person, an outstanding Patriot, a man of a great virtue who has given so much to his people, to his ancestral homeland.

Kirk Kerkorian’s generous and continuous support was immensely important for the development of Armenia. His Lincy charitable foundation established right after the devastating earthquake in 1988 made enormous investments throughout the years in various projects in Armenia and Artsakh.

He gave his unconditional love to its people which repaid him with great admiration. He was bestowed as a National Hero of Armenia, and a true Hero he was indeed!

I would like to express my profound condolences to the Kerkorian family, relatives, friends and Armenians all over the world.

Kirk Kerkorian’s memory and legacy will always remain alive in our hearts and minds.

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