The answer of Shavarsh Kocharyan, the Deputy Foreign Minister, to the question of News Agency

18 November, 2015

Question: Mr. Kocharyan, how would you comment on the anti-Armenian statements of the President of Azerbaijan made in his remarks at UNESCO?

Answer: The remarks of the leader of Azerbaijan at the 38th session of the General Conference of UNESCO made a solid contribution to the culture, however, to the culture of falsification.

The country of Azerbaijan, which first appeared on the political map of the world in 1918, is not even twice older the age of the current President of Azerbaijan. However, it does not hinder that President to state, as if Armenia and Artsakh, mentioned even in the works of Strabo, Plutarch and other ancient sources, are historic territories of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan failed to implement the core requirement of the resolution of the UN Security Council (1993) – “immediately cease all hostilities”, and during the last 22 years it has not implemented the demands of the same resolutions - “restoration of economic, transport and energy links”, “refrain from any action that will obstruct a peaceful solution of the problem”. However, it does not hinder the President of Azerbaijan to require that his selective and distorted quotations from the resolutions were implemented within day, if not hours.

Baku continuously threatens with war and initiates armed provocations against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. However, it does not hinder the Azerbaijani leader to claim that Armenian sides do not seek peace.

Azerbaijan, pursuing a policy of state terror, committed Armenian massacres and ethnic cleansing throughout the country, including capital Baku, which used to have 250 thousand Armenian population. However, it once again does not prevent the President of Azerbaijan from accusing the Armenian sides of terrorism.

Azerbaijan has been barbarically destroying Armenian historical monuments: suffice it to mention the elimination of the medieval cross-stones of Nakhichevan, as well as all the historical and cultural traces of the Armenian existence in the territories of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, occupied by Azerbaijan. Nevertheless, it does not prevent the leader of Azerbaijan from claiming that his country is a cradle of mutliculturalism and tolerance.

Despite the requirements of the UN Charter, Azerbaijan opposes territorial integrity to the implementation of the right of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination, which, however, does not hinder President Aliyev to state, that international law allegedly supports their desiderations.

One should only recall - there is a lie, there is a hideous lie and there is the state propaganda of Azerbaijan.

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