Briefing of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian on the results of the OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting in Belgrade

04 December, 2015

Question: Mr. Minister, could you present the results of yesterday’s meeting with the Minsk Group Co-Chairs and also some details of the statement by the Foreign Ministers of OSCE Minsk Group three co-chairing countries on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

Edward Nalbandian: Both the meeting and the adopted statement have the same content. Now, after the statement has been released, I already can refer to the provisions, which were discussed during the meeting.

What are the Co-Chairs saying? They outline that the peaceful resolution of the conflict through negotiations has no alternative. They repeatedly refer to it in their statement and call the parties to reaffirm their commitment to resolve the conflict peacefully through negotiations.

The Co-Chairs have outlined it on numerous occasions. If you remember, not only the Foreign Ministers of the Co-Chair countries, but also the Presidents made relevant call in their statement in Enniskillen, and just in a few minutes Armenia reaffirmed its commitments. But we never heard Azerbaijan's position on it. And that is why once again this call is addressed to Azerbaijan.

The Co-Chairs state that the parties (as they are mediators, they use the term “parties”) should dispel the impression, that they do not take seriously the commitment to resolve the issue only through negotiations. It is quite clear to whom these calls are addressed. And who does threaten to use force, who does threaten to start a war? Is it Armenia? Never! You are representatives of media, so you know that nothing like that has ever happened. All that is done by the opposing side.

The Co-Chairs also urged the parties to agree to the establishment of a mechanism for the investigation of incidents and ceasefire violations. You know, that in response to yet another call of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs on the results of the last meeting of Foreign Ministers in New York, on our side we reaffirmed that, yes, we agree to establish such a mechanism. And Azerbaijan, in fact, rejected it. And the Co-Chairs' statement emphasized the very fact that Armenia has agreed to that, and they urged Azerbaijan to do the same.

In their statement, the Co-Chairs strongly condemned the use of heavy artillery. Who is using heavy artillery? Is it not clear? It was noted, that the Azerbaijani side restarted the use of heavy artillery, so they condemned the use of heavy artillery by Azerbaijan.

And finally, the Co-Chairs once again expressed their dissatisfaction with the strong criticism addressed to them. Whom do they come from? Has Armenia ever criticized?

Yesterday, during my speech at the plenary session I stressed that Armenia has never criticized the Co-Chairs. The Co-Chairs also note that the attempt to put the responsibility for the lack of progress in the negotiation process on the Co-Chairs is just an attempt to cover up the lack of political will. Whose? Indeed, Azerbaijan's.

In other words, everything is obvious. I think the Co-Chairs used the right emphases. The question is to what extent would Azerbaijan heed to these emphases and how adequately, i.e. how relevantly would Azerbaijan perceive what the international community is saying. Because the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship is the only format that enjoys the international mandate, and this was also underlined in yesterday’s statement. That mandate is given by all the OSCE member states, and at the same time, as they put themselves, enjoys the support of the parties. Can it be considered as support if one of the parties constantly criticizes? Of course not, and thus they cast doubt.

We hope this statement of the Heads of delegations of the Minsk Group Co-Chair countries - Russia, the US and France, will have its important input in promoting the negotiation process.

Yesterday they also stated that a high-level meeting between the Presidents is being organized, which will take place soon, in December.

The venue and the date have not been announced yet. It will be done in a proper way as agreed by the parties. However, Azerbaijan always violates these agreements, it rushes. I can not say what they are gaining from it, but we are not guided by such behavior. So it will take place within the timeframe we have agreed on. Nevertheless, the meeting will take place in December.

Question: Mr. Minister, very interesting developments followed the statement. The Prime-Minister of Turkey stated in Baku that they will support Azerbaijan in whatever they do, until the liberation of the last centimeter. The next night a sabotage took place, and our side has one victim. Is it...

Edward Nalbandian: I do not think there is something surprising in the statements of the Turks, especially for our media. There is nothing new in them.
Regarding the fact that a sabotage took place yesterday, while opening another bracket, I would say that as I have mentioned during the meeting with the Co-Chairs, prior the OSCE Ministerial meetings Azerbaijanis always reduces the tension, as they have always done every December, before each OSCE Ministerial Meeting. And as soon as the declaration is adopted, tensions immediately increase, and we witness new provocations by Azerbaijan.

The Co-Chairs call to refrain from the use of force and resolve the issue peacefully. And that approach can be considered as Baku’s answer.

Today using this opportunity of meeting with the press, I would like to say that yes, Armenia once again reaffirms its commitment to peacefully resolve the conflict through negotiations, in accordance with the calls of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and the international community.

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