Answer of Tigran Balayan, MFA Spokesman, to a question by the “First News Service” of Public TV

15 April, 2016

Question: How will you assess the recent frequent cease-fire violations by Azerbaijan?

Tigran Balayan: Ignoring the numerous calls by the international community Azerbaijan over the last few days has continued the cease-fire violations along the line of contact between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan, Armenia-Azerbaijan border using weaponry if various calibers including mortars and grenade launchers, in the result of which there are 2 killed soldiers.

Azerbaijan grossly violates the oral arrangement of April 5 on the cessation of hostilities by which the cease-fire established by 1994 agreement between Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia was restored. Azerbaijan disregards the calls of the international community aimed at exclusively peaceful settlement of the issue.

The continuation of military actions by Baku can lead to dangerous consequences the full responsibility of which lies with the authorities of Azerbaijan.


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