Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian answered questions of journalists at Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

24 April, 2016

Question. Mr. Nalbandian what “package” had Sergey Lavrov brought with him, what agreements were made? Why is it kept secret?

Edward Nalbandian. We informed about the negotiations during our joint press conference with S. Lavrov, nothing is kept secret. Serious harm has been made to the negotiations due to large-scale aggressive military actions of Azerbaijan, and together with Co-Chairs and international community we should exert efforts for possible overcoming of that blow inflicted to the negotiations, peaceful settlement. Although it is rather difficult to overcome, as we have human losses, and they are not irretrievable. The international community is engaged in that issue, to bring Azerbaijan to senses and constructive field, so that there is a possibility to continue negotiations, as there is no alternative to the talks.

Question. What “package” had Lavrov brought?

Edward Nalbandian. There is no package, and Mr. Lavrov stated that, and there is no need to ask fabricated questions.

Question. What proposals Mr. Lavrov brought?

Edward Nalbandian. One should not make analysis and conclusions based on rumours and hearsay. Lavrov, in his turn, declared that today the efforts should be exerted towards the creation of a mechanism of investigation of cease-fire violations, so that it would be possible to ensure stability and security in the region, create more favourable conditions for the continuation of the negotiations.

Question. But what proposals had Lavrov brought?

Edward Nalbandian. You are asking about some kind of proposals or some sort of package for the fifth time in a row. S. Lavrov has not brought such package.

Question. Has there been a talk on compromises?

Edward Nalbandian. What compromise?

Question. Concerning territories.

Edward Nalbandian. Such thing has not discussed during S. Lavrov's visit.

Quesrtion. And in general?

Edward Nalbandian. In general, there are proposals from Co-Chairs, set forth in well-known statements by the Presidents of Russia, United States and France, and on numerous occasions Armenia stated that it is able to continue negotiations, but Azerbaijan ignores them. This is the reality, this is the reason why the international community should spare no effort to bring Azerbaijan to constructive field.

Question. Will the settlement be at the expense of the territories?

Edward Nalbandian. The settlement will be based on what the President and Foreign Minister of Armenia said on numerous occasions. Do not invent new things. If the proposals made were advantageous to Azerbaijan, then it would not head into a stalemate and resort to a new military aggression.

Azerbaijan failed in the negotiations, for that very reason it attempted to find some solutions through military means, but it failed here as well. Baku would be forced to return to the negotiation table, as there is no alternative, any other way, the negotiations should be continued.

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