Ewdard Nalbandian’s answer to the question by the “First News Service” of Public TV

09 May, 2016

Question: Mr. Minister what would you say about the message of May 9th ?

Edward Nalbandian. I congratulate everyone on the Victories’ Day.

The liberation of Shushi was a turning point in the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh and perhaps it is not accidental that the Victory gained coincides with the Victory Day against Fascism.

Today the victorious Army of Nagorno-Karabakh is fighting against new expressions of Fascism. What, if not Fascism, was what we witnessed in early April during Azerbaijan’s aggression? What if not Fascism, are the statements filled with xenophobia, intolerance and enmity, coming from Baku? Today's celebration is a vivid proof of what is the end of Fascism.

Six hundred thousand Armenians participated in the World War II, only half of them returned home. My father participated in the victorious Battle of Stalingrad, two cousins of my mother were killed in the battlefield. There is not a single Armenian family, which did not participate in the Great Patriotic War.

The Armenian people had a huge input in the fight against Fascism, and as you may see, today it still continues to have. 

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