Answers by Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, to the questions of "Voice of America"

22 September, 2017

Question. Minister Nalbandian, in your remarks at the Armenia-Diaspora Forum you touched upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and spoke about the return of some territories, which led to various comments. Can you specify what you meant?

Answer: Some references and comments were taken out of context. I spoke about well-known three principles and six elements enshrined in the statements of the heads of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. According to the Co-Chairs, those principles and elements are elaborated and presented to the parties as an integrated whole. Any attempts to select one principle or one element from others will make it impossible to reach a settlement.

As the President of Armenia emphasized in his remarks delivered at the UN General Assembly two days ago, the core issue is the status of Artsakh. Once the issue of the status is settled, the rest of the issues will be resolved in a fair and logical manner, because all those issues are collateral.

I would also like to reiterate what we have said on numerous occasions: the settlement of all those issues is possible only with the participation of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Question. Mr. Minister, do you plan to meet with the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan within the framework of this visit? If yes, when is the meeting scheduled and what specific questions will be discussed?

Answer: Indeed, such meeting is scheduled for September 23. The organization of the possible meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan is on the agenda, as well as the timetable of the visit of the Co-Chairs to the region. These are the two issue we will be discussing with Mammadyarov. 

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