The answers of the MFA Spokesperson to the questions of the media

17 November, 2021

Regarding the appeal to the Russian Federation - The Republic of Armenia is in direct and multilevel contact with its ally - the Russian Federation. As you know, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Russian Federation held a phone conversation, during which Nikol Pashinyan briefed Vladimir Putin on the situation.

In this context, the leaders of the two countries discussed possible joint steps, the implementation of which is enshrined in a bilateral legal framework and is in line with allied relations․

Regarding the appeal to the UN Security Council - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia has already informed the President of the UN Security Council on the situation.

I would like to note that for the protection of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia we consider the implementation of all the toolkits of international law and diplomatic practice. 

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