The Address of the Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalbandyan at the Annual Press Conference, Summarizing the Foreign Policy

14 January, 2011

Dear journalists,


Ladies and gentlemen,


First of all I would like to congratulate you for the Christmas and wish you Happy New Year. I wish the 2011 to be a year of prosperity for you, your families and our country.
\nToday, traditionally, our press-conference is dedicated to the summarizing of the 2010 foreign policy.


Probably you are acquainted with my interview given to the Public Television at the end of the last year where in some sense the past year’s foreign policy is summarized. You can find the transcript of the mentioned interview on the web-site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


In my address I will concentrate on the most important events, and you can further find more detailed information in the Annual Report issued by the Ministry which will be distributed to you.


Based on the guidelines given by the President of the Republic, the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2010 were aimed at ensuring favourable external conditions for the development of the state, strengthen its image, raise the efficiency of the protection of Armenian and its citizens’ interests abroad, present Armenian approaches in the international arena, deepening the involvement in international organizations and processes, further strengthening cooperation with partner and friendly states as well as settle relations with countries, with which some problems exist.


Thanks to the Armenian diplomacy’s efforts, in the process of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement, it became obvious that the Armenian approaches are in line with the approaches of the international community, which was reaffirmed in the five-sided joint statement during the OSCE Summit in Astana on December 1, in the Muskoka Statement by the heads of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries in the sidelines of the G8 Summit on June 26, in the Astrakhan Declaration adopted by the Presidents of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan on 27th of October, in the statement by the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group during the Almaty meeting of the OSCE Ministers of Foreign Affairs on 17th of July.


During the year the President of the Republic visited all the permanent member-states of the UN Security Council, had meetings with the leadership of those countries.


Last year was significant in terms of further strengthening the Armenian-Russian partnership and strategic relations, the culmination of which was the state visit of the President Medvedev to Armenia, negotiations with the Armenian President Sargsyan, the reached agreements and signed documents.


During 2010 the Armenian-US relations reached on a qualitatively new level, which was particularly marked by President Serzh Sargsyan’s visit to Washington DC, meeting with the US President Barack Obama as well as by the US State Secretary Hillary Clinton’s visit to Yerevan.


Negotiations with EU on the Association Agreement have started where an essential progress has been made. As a result of it, the cooperation between Armenia and the EU will be put on a new basis. Rapprochement with the European family continues to remain as one of the Armenian foreign policy priorities.


Multidimensional cooperation with neighbouring Georgia and Iran has continued. Foundations were laid for implementation of projects of strategic importance with those countries.


The policy of Armenia to normalise the Armenian-Turkish relations has been received by the international community with full understanding and support.
\nPurposeful steps were undertaken to further develop mutually beneficial cooperation with the Asian countries, particularly with China, India and Japan
\nActive steps were initiated to develop relations with Arabic countries during the year.


Efforts were exerted to further extend the cooperation with the countries of Latin America.


Armenia has been actively involved in the cooperation within the Collective Security Treaty Organisation. Meetings of the Heads of the member-states of the Organisation took place in Yerevan and Sevan.


Armenia intensively participated in the activities of the CIS and EurAsEC and in the processes occurring within those Organisations.


The Individual Partnership Action Plan with NATO has been successfully implemented.


Armenia has continued its participation in international peace-keeping activities.
\nThe participation in the activities of the UN and other international organizations, as well as the active involvement in the international campaign against terrorism and other challenges has continued.


One of the pivotal issues of the foreign policy was the establishment of stability, cooperation, security and peace in the South Caucasus. Armenia exerted efforts to the achievement of a stable and secure region.


The economic dimension of foreign policy has continued to play an important role in our agenda, both in bilateral and multilateral relations with international structures and financial institutions.


As a result of continuous work in inter-governmental trade and economic committees of dozens of countries, agreements for future extensive cooperation were reached, new projects were planned.


International cooperation in the fields of culture and education has continued.
\nArmenian Foreign Ministry contributed to the activities of other Armenian state institutions in order to develop foreign relations.


A big number of visits, political consultations, meetings and events took place on intergovernmental, interagency and decentralized levels, agreements were reached, around 70 international agreements were signed which could serve as a good basis for future development of the bilateral and multilateral relations.


The international recognition of the Armenian Genocide was in the foreign policy agenda. On the 95th Anniversary of the Genocide events were organised in around four dozens of countries to which the Armenian diplomatic representations have shown their support.


The Diplomatic school of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs started to function in 2010, which will soon have its first graduates.


The Law on Diplomatic Service has been amended, the Ministry underwent structural changes.


Last year Armenia opened embassies in 7 countries (Kuwait, Czech Republic, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Iraq, and the Netherlands).


Activities continued to further form international public opinion on Armenia. The Armenian President and Foreign Minister made speeches in leading think tanks, had interviews to eminent international mass media outlets.


The President of the Republic had 22 foreign visits, Armenia has been visited by 6 heads of other countries. President of the National Assembly made 9 visits abroad. Prime-minister made 8 foreign visits. 3 Heads of Foreign Governments, 14 Foreign Ministers, 5 Heads of International organisations visited Armenia. Armenian Foreign Minister made 24 visits.


Thanks to the active and initiating foreign policy on the international arena Armenia continued the strengthening of its position as a predictable and trustful partner.
\nLet me once again congratulate you on the occasion of the holidays and wish effective cooperation in the upcoming 2011.


I am ready to answer to all your questions.


"Arminfo" News Agency: I have two short questions Minister Nalbandian. First question is about the order of Turkey’s Prime Minister regarding the pulling down of the monument symbolizing the normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey, and the second question is about the possible trilateral meeting between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia.


Edward Nalbandian: Instead of adding a new stone in the building of the normalization of bilateral relations, such kind of statements and activities can only cause harm. The international community has not forgotten about the similar statements made recently and the latest one adds to those. We can only regret about it.


Regarding the possible meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia in the near future, I would like to say “Yes”-such a meeting is scheduled by the initiative of the Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia on January 24 in Moscow. There is also a possibility of the Co-Chairs meeting at the beginning of this month.


"Pan Armenian. Net” News Agency: Minister Nalbandian what do you think, can the Azerbaijani hysterics frighten people from visiting Nagorno-Karabakh? Thank you.


Edward Nalbandian: First of all, I would like to welcome everyone who visits Artsakh despite the Azerbaijanis telling them not to go there, not to see and admit all the facts we are telling about Karabakh and if you go we can declare you as a persona non grata.


In spite of such kind of an incomprehensible approach, both the journalists and political and cultural activists visit Karabakh to see the reality with their own eyes. This stance of Baku may not be quite comprehensible. Azerbaijan is trying to hide their lies and fabrication on Karabakh, their crimes committed in Karabakh. Why do not they allow people to go to Nakhichevan, which is under their control. May be in order not let them see the destroyed and destructed cross-stones and demolished Armenian cultural heritage- the biggest and very important presence of the Armenian cultural heritage that exists in Nakhichevan. May be people who visit there, will ask a question. “where is this people and why are they not there?” I do not think it is a circumspect policy and can bring results anticipated by Azerbaijan.


Public Radio: Minister Nalbandian, in your speech you have mentioned about the opening of Embassies in a number of countries, particularly Iraq. What should be done to develop relations with Iraq?


Edward Nalbandian: It is welcomed that the Iraqi Parliament unanimously approved a new Government at the end of December led by Nuri al-Maliki and this Government is taking all possible steps to establish stability and restore the country. In this context, Armenia is interested in taking part in the reconstruction of Iraq, and the opening of the Armenian Embassy in Bagdad will serve this propose. We talked also about it during our meeting with Hoshyar Zebari, the Iraqi Foreign Minister in September. Our newly appointed Ambassador to Bagdad has talked about it with the authorities of Iraq and during his visit to various Iraqi regions.


Republic of Armenia: Minister Nalbandian, independence referendum is being held in South Sudan and there are opinions that it can become as a sovereign state. What is your view on the referendum and can it be a precedent for the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic? Thank you!


Edward Nalbandian: You know there is no lack of precedents for Nagorno-Karabakh. It is just one of the recent examples, as when we take 192 UN member states, most of them can serve as an example and a precedent for the self-determination of Nagorno-Karabakh. What is now going on in Sudan once again showed that it is impossible to prevent the realization of the right to self-determination by acting against the will of people, by violence or at the cost of extermination of the people. It is one more proof and it is obvious in what line the international community has taken.


"Jamanak" Daily News: Minister Nalbandian, you have already noted that the official Yerevan had stated after the Astana Summit that the Armenia’s approaches on Nagorno-Karabakh are in line with those of the international community, while it is known that the international community accepts six principles of the three Presidents declared in L'Aquila as a basis, one of which is about the return of “occupied territories” neighboring to Nagorno-Karabakh. Is this approach acceptable for Armenia, for the official Yerevan or not?


Edward Nalbandian: I have repeatedly said and will reiterate that there are three principles and six elements on the negotiation table today. Those are six elements that have been proposed by the Co-Chairs included in the Madrid document. What are the international community and international mediators saying? What is Armenia saying? The international community, the mediators and as you have mentioned in the L’Aquila and also Muskoka statements the Presidents of the Co-Chair countries Barack Obama, Dmitry Medvedev and Nicolas Sarkozy are saying that those principles, elements have been conceived as an integrated whole and have been presented as such, and to select some elements or principles over the others is unacceptable and will hinder the settlement. What are Azerbaijan and Armenia saying?
\nArmenia is saying that it accepts these principles and elements as a basis for the negotiations and settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh issue. We accept them as an integrated whole and share the opinion that some elements or principles should not be selected over the others. What is Azerbaijan saying? Can you tell what Azerbaijan is saying? I think that the Azerbaijanis do not understand themselves what they want to say. They say “yes, but..”, “yes, although..”, and something else. There is a need for a simple answer _ “Yes” or “Not”. It means, that Armenia and the international community speak the same language. If you wish, I can mention those three principles and six elements. Those three principles are: non use of force or threat of use, right to self-determination and territorial integrity. The six elements are the following. The final status of Nagorno-Karabakh should be decided by the Nagorno-Karabakh people and its free expression of will that should have a legally binding force. The second is that until the organization of the expression of will, Nagorno-Karabakh should have an interim status. What does the interim status mean? It means that after the interim status there will be a final status. This interim status should define the status that Nagorno-Karabakh has now but that interim status should be also recognized by the international community. The third is the permanent corridor linking Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia. The fourth is about the returning of all refugees and displaced persons when appropriate guarantees of international security are established. The fifth is about the international security guarantees including the so called peacekeeping activities around Karabakh. The sixth is about the returning of territories. It is about the returning of territories. Yes, Armenia is accepting all those elements and principles as a basis for the negotiations, as an integrated whole for moving forward and settlement.


The Azerbaijanis are in fact accepting only one out of the three principles, and that only by their interpretation, namely the territorial integrity, and they accept only one of the six elements, which is the return of territories, which again they interpret and claim they would be ready to discuss the other elements after the return of territories.


It was the reason that the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group issued a statement in Almaty that it was unacceptable to select some elements or principles over the others. In Astana the US State Secretary Hillary Clinton mentioned about that in her speech on behalf of the Co-Chair countries. Yes, this is what is said by the Co-Chairs, who express the international public opinion, as they have the international mandate. And that opinion is line with Armenia’s approach.


Question: Mr.Minister, taking into account the current Turkish policies and tactics, would there be any changes in the official Yerevan’s policies in the Armenian-Turkish normalisation process in 2011? And my second question sounds as follows. You are the only person who was being asked to resign by a certain political force throughout whole year. Do you feel concerned by this idea in the framework of cabinet shake-over? Thank you.


Edward Nalbandyan: You know, if an official was everyday concerned that he/she would be fired, it means he/she should not work at all, not taking the responsibility to lead any sphere. I think different opinions exist, and there could be displeased people too, and that is natural. If you are confident in what you are doing and if that has a support by the leadership of the country, then that policy should be continued with confidence.


With regard to the Armenian-Turkish relations it should be mentioned that Armenia has nothing to change. Armenia has always said what it did and is doing what it said. If there is a need for change then that is then position of Turkey, which until the beginning of the process in September 2008 conducted the same policy which Turkey has conducted after the signature of the protocols, i.e. it has returned to the language of preconditions which Turkey was using before the start of this process. Hence it is Turkey, and the international community is expecting that Turkey would change its policy. Ratify the protocols without preconditions so that we could move forward and normalise the relations. This is the expectation of the world, the whole international community from Turkey. Regarding Armenia it is mentioned that we have passed our way, Armenia did everything possible and today it is Turkey which should take relevant steps.


Question: Mr. Minister, Azerbaijan permanently makes anti-Armenian statements in the international organizations. What efforts are you exerting in this regard and how effective are they? And the second question is. there was no sensation regarding Armenia in Wikileaks statements. Was there not anything or they were not published? Thanks. 


Edward Nalbandyan: As I have been already clearly stated, Armenian approach with regard to the NK settlement issue today is in line with the positions of the international community. This is a result, a result achieved by our diplomacy and our policy. As of those statements, as you said those anti-Armenian statements made by Azerbaijan, what have they achieved? Is their position in line with that of the international community, as is Armenia’s? No! This is the answer which could be given to your question. As of Wikileaks, once again it became obvious that Armenia is always saying what it did and is doing what it said.

\n Mr.Minister, You spoke about the statements of the international community, but it seems that today it was stated by Barroso that they support the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and that they wish it to be preserved. What is your comment?


Edward Nalbandyan: You should try to acquaint with what Barroso said according to the EU’s official web-site, not to Azeri mass media. Secondly, the EU’s position in this regard was declared by Van Rompuy in Astana which is that the EU supports the principles and elements proposed by the Minsk Group on the settlement of the NK issue. This is the EU’s approach and it is in line with our approaches.


Noyan Tapan: Mr .Minister, Let me ask you a question which in principle more related to the Parliament’s activity, than the Foreign Ministry. But the Foreign Ministry can not be indifferent of course. What is the position of the Armenian side on the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly’s possible sub-committee on NK issue? It seemed that the mentioned sub-commission shouldn’t replace Minsk Group, just serves as a Forum for Armenian-Azeri dialogue. Armenia in principle expresses some scepticism. Isn’t it strange, taking into consideration that previously it seemedArmenia was in favour of the creation of this sub-committee?


Edward Nalbandyan: Armenia and not only Armenia, the mediators support the preservation of the existing format with regard to the NK issue settlement. That is the Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ format. It was many times announced both by the mediator countries and Armenia. All attempts to transfer this process to other institutions and to other forums will not be positive for the settlement process. It seems yesterday Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov during his presentation of the foreign policy mentioned about Nagorno-Karabakh saying that the main issue is not to harm this process. And everyone is of the opinion that attempts to shift the issue to other formats would hardly be supportive of this process.

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