The address and answer of the RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian during the joint press conference with the Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi

08 November, 2011

Good afternoon. I am glad to welcome my Iranian counterpart, Ali Akbar Salehi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia.

He is here for the first time and I am very happy for this visit.

It is a good opportunity to keep on our dialogue. We have had several meetings during this year and today we continued our discussions, touched upon bilateral agenda issues and international and regional issues.

We discussed the implementation of the agreements reached between the Presidents of the two countries, touched upon the economic relations which are dynamically developing. There are projects being implemented, and there are also prospective projects, particularly in the spheres of transport and energy.

We touched upon the results of the last meeting of the Armenian-Iranian inter-governmental commission, as well as the agreements to be implemented. The Ministries bring their contribution to the implementation of all those projects.

In the course of the negotiations, one of the main issues was the preparation of the scheduled visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be paid to Armenia at the end of this year.

Thank you.

Question: Mr. Nalbandian do we have any problems with Tehran, and whether those issues were discussed during your meeting?

Answer: I fully agree with my counterpart that there are no problems between the two countries. There are technical issues and it is natural, particularly taking account the volume of the relations existing between our countries. But we, I am reiterating, solve those issues through negotiations. There is no issue which we cannot solve during our meetings.



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