Statement by Edward Nalbandian, the RA Minister of Foreign Affairs during the joint press conference with Catherine Ashton, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

17 November, 2011

Good morning.

I am glad to welcome Catherine Ashton, the Vice-President of the European Commission and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in Armenia.

We have had many opportunities to meet in Brussels and other European capitals, and I am really glad to welcome Lady Ashton in Yerevan.

It is her first visit paid to Armenia. It is also a good opportunity to keep on our bilateral dialogue and discussions on the Armenia-EU cooperation, regional and international issues.

We are grateful that recently the relations between Armenia and the EU are dynamically developing. These relations are based on the same system of values, as well as our willingness to continue the reforms implemented in Armenia which are in line with European standards.

In a week the session of Armenia-EU Council will take place in Brussels during which we shall sum up the steps undertaken during the last year towards the strengthening of the relations between Armenia and the EU.

We can note with satisfaction that those relations are intensively developing with regard to the reciprocal visits, the negotiations on the Association Agreement, steps undertaken towards the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Zone and visa facilitation regime.

We are satisfied with the activities of the EU experts acting in Armenia, as well, who contribute to the reforms being implemented in Armenia.

I am glad to welcome You, Lady Ashton in Yerevan and I would like to give You the floor.

Thank you!

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