Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian’s address and answers to the questions of the journalists during the press conference on summarizing the year in foreign policy

16 January, 2012

Good day, dear journalists,

Based on the guidelines of foreign policy outlined by the President of the Republic of Armenia and the assignments issued by the President, the activities of the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2011 were aimed at the strengthening of the foreign security component of Armenia, the provision of external favorable conditions for the development of the country, the reinforcement of country’s reputation, the development of international economic cooperation and trade-economic ties, the protection of the interests of the Republic and its citizens abroad, the presentation of Armenia’s positions in the international arena, the deepening of the engagement in international organizations and processes, and the further strengthening of cooperation with friendly and partner countries.

2011, symbolizing the 20th anniversary of the independence, was a peculiar test from the viewpoint of summarizing the achievements recorded in the sphere of foreign policy. The Armenian diplomatic missions abroad organized numerous events devoted to the anniversary.

Regarding the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, 2011 reaffirmed the harmony of the positions of Armenia and the international community registered in the recent years, and the developments that took place stressed the correctness and effectiveness of the chosen course. The statement adopted during the meeting of the Heads of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in Sochi on March 5, the joint statement of the Presidents of Russia, the United States and France issued in the frames of the G8 in Deauville on May 26, and the meeting of the Presidents of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in Kazan on June 24, as well as the joint statement of the Heads of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Azerbaijan made in the meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Vilnius on December 6 were the poof of it.

The reporting year was marked by the further strengthening of the Armenian-Russian strategic and allied interaction which found its reflection in the first state visit of the Armenian President to the Russian Federation during the twenty years of bilateral relations. The visit reconfirmed the strength and depth of the allied relations both by its level and substance.

The friendly partnership with the United States was raised to a qualitatively new level. The development of comprehensive cooperation and reciprocal high-level visits were continued.

The traditional close friendly relations with France were more deepened and strengthened. The state visit of the French President to Armenia in 2011 was historical both in its significance and results.

The relations with the European countries developed which were reflected in reciprocal high-level visits, and in the intensification of political dialogue, economic cooperation and cultural exchanges.

In the rapprochement process with the European family a serious progress was achieved. The negotiations over the Association Agreement had a successful process, and the European Council approved the mandate for launching the negotiations over the visa facilitation regime. There was a serious progress in the preparatory works for launching the negotiations over the creation of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area.

Armenia’s centuries-old and friendly relations with its direct neighbors Georgia and Iran have consistently developed.

The international community reaffirmed its support to Armenia’s principal position to normalize the Armenian-Turkish relations without any preconditions, and Turkey’s destructive approaches were adequately treated by the international community.

The mutually beneficial cooperation with the CIS member-countries continued, the productive participation in the projects being implemented in the frames of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the interaction with the EurAsEs went on, as well.

The partnership with China, India and Japan has received a new impetus.

In spite of the developments in a number of Arab countries, Armenia has undertaken steps towards maintaining normal relations with the Arab world.

Promising developments were recorded in the Asian and Latin American directions.
The geography of high-level reciprocal visits expanded, as well as their effectiveness was raised through agreements reached and around one hundred and twenty agreements and other documents signed.

Regular contacts with the UN Security Council member countries continued.
There were reciprocal visits with Greece, Switzerland, Italy, Cyprus, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Latvia, Slovenia, Serbia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Iran, Brazil, Norway, China, India, Argentine, the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Belarus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Austria and a number of other countries.

The President of the Republic paid 25 foreign visits, and 7 heads of states visited Armenia. There were 8 reciprocal visits on a level of the Chairman of the National Assembly and 12 reciprocal visits on a level of the Prime Minister of the Republic. The Minister of Foreign Affairs paid 39 foreign visits and 14 Ministers of Foreign Affairs and heads of international organizations visited Armenia.

Armenia actively participated not only in the processes held in the frameworks of the Collective Security Treaty Organization which is an important element of Armenia’s security, but also preformed initiatives directed to the strengthening of the Organization.

The cooperation between Armenia and the NATO successfully developed in the frames of the Individual Partnership Action Plan and other formats.
Armenia expanded its participation in the international peacekeeping operations.

In the multilateral dimension effective participation in the activities of the UN and other international organizations, the active engagement in the sphere of the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the fight of the international community against terrorism and other challenges continued.

The economic component has had an important role on the foreign political agenda. The economic relations developed bilaterally, as well as with international and financial institutions. By the direct participation and coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dozen of sessions of inter-governmental commissions and business conferences took place.

The international cooperation in cultural, scientific and educational spheres continued.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs brought its efficient contribution to the implementation of initiatives and projects of the Ministry of Diaspora, as well as to the fostering Armenia-Diaspora ties.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supported and coordinated the development of foreign relations of other Armenian state agencies.

Pursuing the assignment of the RA President on the establishment of a state commission for the organization of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Genocide, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Armenian diplomatic missions have undertaken appropriate activities.

The bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial adopted by the French National Assembly was a significant step towards the fight against the denial of the Armenian Genocide.

By the participation of the President of the Republic, a meeting of the MFA senior staff and heads of diplomatic missions took place in August.

In 2011 the first attendees of the MFA Diplomatic School graduated and recruited to the Ministry’s personnel.

Armenia’s reputation as a reliable partner was reinforced. Positive articles on Armenia have drastically increased in foreign media. The President of the Republic and Minister of Foreign Affairs had around 60 speeches and interviews in world eminent political centers and international leading media.

Thanks you!

Question: Mr. Minister, different media outlets report about the upcoming meeting of the Presidents of Armenia, Russian and Azerbaijan. To what extent do those news corresponded to the reality, and don’t you think it would be the last meeting in such a format? Thank you.

Answer: Yes, there is an agreement on the trilateral meeting of the Presidents of Armenia, Russian and Azerbaijan. Information about the location and time would be appropriately provided when the sides find that suitable. As of this format, it has proven its viability and effectiveness and I think, moreover I am confident, that the meetings in that format will continue.

Question: Mr. Minister, my question is about the growing tension over Iran regarding the toughening of western sanctions. How would you describe the situation and in case of a possible military threat what would Armenia’s approach be? Thank you.

Answer: You know, that Armenia has always been and is for solving all issues related to Iran and Iran’s nuclear program through peaceful means, dialogue and negotiations. And we had expressed this position during the visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia last year in December and today we can reaffirm what was said during that visit.

Question: Minister Nalbandian, the agreement on the investigation of incidents on the line of contact of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan was reached during the last year. Why hasn’t it become a reality? And the second question: the bill criminalizing the denial of genocide passed by the French National Assembly would be discussed in the Senate as well. How would you comment the statements voiced from the Turkish side on this event? Thank you.

Answer: Let us start from the second question. First of all, let me say that Armenia on the highest level has expressed its appreciation to the leadership of France, the French National Assembly and the people of France, when the French National Assembly passed the said bill. Now this bill is included in the agenda of the Senate.

The arguments which are voiced by the Turkish side against the adoption of this bill are at least vain.

When they are saying that this process or this bill can prevent and hinder the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations, first of all, it has nothing to do with one another and the second, if there is anything hindering the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations, it is the behavior of the Turkish side which is well known to the international community and that is why it is said that the ball is in the Turkish court.

And the arguments according to which there are probably some economic interests in Turkey which may have some role in this or that regional issue and if this bill is passed it may hinder those interests. I think there is a little bit of stink of corruption. It is not only blackmail, but also they want to bribe with something.

But first of all, the draft of this bill is passed pursuing the framework decision made by the Council of the European Council on November 28 of 2008. And I don’t think that universal human values can be underrated by the Turkish side’s arguments.

Concerning the incidents on the line of contact, yes, you are right, such an agreement was reached during the Sochi meeting of the presidents of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan last March. An appropriate statement was made on that occasion, and the agreement got the full support of the international community. But so far it has not been realized yet, because in fact the Azerbaijani side prevents the implementation of the mechanism and prevents the proposals made by the Co-chairs for the creation of mechanisms because of that. The Azerbaijani side voices that such agreements have not been reached at all, such proposals have not been made. I think comments are unnecessary here.

Recently, in December, the Azerbaijani side isolated itself once again, speaking out against the international community.

When the OSCE budget was being discussed, and the Co-chairs suggested to provide appropriate funding for the establishment of this mechanism, Azerbaijan came out against, and when it got no support, it even threatened to veto the entire OSCE budget.

Once again, the Azeris have shown how they refuse, backtrack from those agreements, which had been reached with their participation.

I hope that the talks will continue and this proposal, highly appreciated by everyone, which may be an important mechanism not only for the purposes of investigations, but also in terms of preventing new incidents, will be implemented.

Question: Mr. Minister, one of your ambassadors recently gave an interview to the Russian media; I am speaking about Charles Aznavour. Afterwards, it is known, that he refuted that statement, but in any case did you try to discuss this issue with him or did you speak in this regard? Thank you.

Answer: In this regard, Charles Aznavour denied himself, and there is nothing to add. Speculations were made, fuss about what was said by Charles Aznavour. Charles Aznavour, as he said, did not say such things. Neither the context, nor the language used by him, did not bear that nature.

Question: Mr. Minister, there are many references about achievements in your speech. I would like you to tell me at least one failure of our foreign policy in 2011.

Answer: Of course, had we reached the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, it would be a very significant achievement. If steps are taken in this direction, and as I said, our position is consistent with the positions of the international community, moreover, I would say that the approach of the international community is in line with the positions of Armenia. This is certainly a positive and important development. But the settlement has not yet been reached, and this is one of our main objectives.

We have rather important and pretentious objectives, as detailed in our report, and I told about them in my introductory remarks. Of course, this is a continuous process, not only in the sense that an aim is set and we reach it.

Diplomacy is exactly for the very implementation of the objectives, which need for greater efforts, more active work. For example, to normalize the relations with countries with which we have problems.

And you know that important steps were taken towards the normalization of relations with Turkey, but today our approaches are once again quite acceptable by the international community, and it is said that the ball is on the Turkish court and Armenia has passed its way, and Turkey should also pass its way, and do what it had promised to the international community.
And thus in different directions!

Question: Mr. Minister, I am interested in the following: what main events and processes would you underline with regards to the foreign policy in 2012, and here it is mentioned, which you also confirmed – the international prestige of Armenia as a reliable partner has increased. It is very general statement, could you single out any event? How has the prestige of Armenia increased or how was it measured? Thank you.

Answer: You know, I mentioned the main events. Would you like me to mention that again? I would ask you to read the document, the report, which has been presented to you. And the fact that today Armenia is a reliable partner and that our foreign policy is well perceived by the international community, is stated not only by me, but also numerous ministers of foreign affairs, who have been in Armenia, during the press conferences in your presence, have repeatedly said that.

In 2012, of course, we would continue our efforts aimed at the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, we would continue our efforts to further strengthen relations with our ally, strategic partner – Russia, and more expand and strengthen the cooperation with the United States. In the European direction important steps are expected, and I hope that during the upcoming year such an agreement would be reached, and after that we will open a new page in the direction of liberalization of visa regime. Also, during the upcoming year I hope, and I think that it would be so, the negotiations with the European Union on the establishment of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area would be launched, and if today we have closed twenty chapters in the negotiations on the Association agreement with the European Union, it means that we are approaching the final stage in terms of signing the Association agreement.

Before coming here one of your colleagues told me – the European Union waited until Azerbaijan would also be ready, and then only after that confirmed the mandate for the launch of negotiations on visa facilitation. Let’s leave it to the European Union to comment whether it waited or did not wait, how it happened that it was so delayed. In reality, the European Union stated one and a half year ago, that Armenia had fulfilled its obligations for the start of negotiation process.

Actually the situation is that in the process of negotiations on the Association agreement Azerbaijan has not closed yet even the half of twenty chapters closed by us.

We will pay a great attention to the development of relations with the CIS member states. One of the important directions will be also the relations with such countries that I already mentioned, where last year significant progress was made – China, India, Japan, Latin America, the Asian direction. We would pay a special attention to that direction in 2012.

With the Arab countries we had traditionally friendly warm relations, despite the events in some Arabic countries; we have undertaken and will continue to undertake efforts to maintain the high level of friendly relationship and cooperation. I think we would take new steps in that direction.

Within the frameworks of the CSTO, which is one of the important components of Armenia’s security, we would undertake efforts towards more active involvement and strengthening of that Organization. Efforts would be taken for more active involvement of Armenia in the international organizations as well as international processes.

During the first half of this year two major international meetings on the highest level are scheduled. I am speaking about the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit and the Rio-20 big summit in Rio de Janeiro. We have started preparatory works in these directions. You could get detailed information from the full report posted in our webpage.

Question: One short question from the economic sphere. Does the budget of 2012 suppose the opening of new embassies and in which countries?

Answer. The budget of 2012 doesn’t anticipate opening of new diplomatic representations. Though if there would be a necessity and appropriate decision, activities towards the opening of new embassies would be carried out, we would apply to the Government and I am sure that such opportunities would be found.

Question: What is the position of Armenia on the Eurasian Union?

Answer. In that regard it is the stage of exchange of views, discussions. During the meetings within the frameworks of the CIS and within the framework of EurAzEs that was an important topic of discussions. I think that soon there could be new meetings on ministerial, as well as higher levels to clarify the approaches of the countries and outline the steps that could be undertaken in that direction.

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