The address and answers of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Edward Nalbandian during a joint press conference with Foreign Minister of Lithuania Audronius Ažubalis

05 April, 2012

I am pleased to welcome my colleague from Lithuania – the Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius Ažubalis, who is in Armenia on an official visit.

The relations between our countries are developing very dynamically. We meet quite often. I was in Vilnius in January, and before that in December, and before that in November, and before that my colleague came to Yerevan. In 2011 Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė paid a state visit to Armenia. Significant agreements were reached between the leaders of our two countries. Availing of this opportunity, today we discussed their implementation and the steps to be undertaken for giving more impetus to the development and deepening of our cooperation in various fields. We discussed the issues of bilateral agenda, as well as touched upon a number of regional and international issues.

I expressed my gratitude to Audronius Ažubalis for the support to the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group during the Lithuania presidency over the OSCE last year. I told him about the negotiation process on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

We touched upon the issues related to the development of the relations between Armenia and the European Union, as well. We mutually expressed satisfaction with the very positively developing relations. We discussed the steps to be undertaken in the future, including with the support of Lithuania, so that these relations become more dynamic.

If we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations with many countries this year, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of establishment of the diplomatic relations with Lithuania last year.

Lithuania was the first country to recognize our independence. Lithuania was the first country to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia. Lithuania was the first Baltic state, which opened the Embassy in Yerevan. And Armenia, of course, the first Embassy in the Baltic countries opened in Vilnius. Together with my colleague we participated in the opening of the Armenian Embassy in Vilnius.

Once again I would like to welcome my Lithuanian colleague and to give the floor to him.

National Lithuanian television, my question is about Nagorno-Karabakh. Your Azerbaijani colleague said that it would be possible to start the reaching of an agreement on the settlement when Armenia withdraws its troops. What do you think about it, or do you see another solution?

Edward Nalbandian: Well, first of all, I will take this opportunity to say that today I handed a statement to my colleague, I would say the historic statement, made by the Parliament of Lithuania back in 1989 which defends the right of Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination. A very interesting document.

Regarding the statement of the Azeri side and what Armenia thinks about it. It is obvious what we think. I would say, we think the same way as the OSCE Minsk Group does. In this regard, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on behalf of the Co-Chairs in Astana during the OSCE summit said that all principles and elements proposed as the basis for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue have been conceived and presented to the sides as an integrated whole. And by the way, the same position was confirmed by France. To select some elements or principles over the others will create a situation hindering the settlement. Azerbaijan is proposing to take one element, and then they would be ready to discuss other issues. This is an absurd position. On this occasion, the Co-Chairs have repeatedly responded to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan, however, pretends not to be hearing.

Armenia's position is in line with the position of the Co-Chairs. Armenia agreed with the package of the principles and elements presented by the co-chair countries in order to move forward towards the settlement on this basis. During the G8 summits in L'Aquila, Muskoka and Deauville at the level of the Presidents of Russia, the United States and France statements were made on these principles and elements.

We welcome these statements and we are committed to move forwards towards a settlement on this basis. Unfortunately, Azerbaijan is taking steps and making statements that not only help, but hinder the process of the settlement. At the same time Azerbaijan is pretending that it is very interested in changing of the status quo, with a view of the change of the status quo on the basis of only one element. This merely suggests that Azerbaijan is against the settlement, against changing of status quo.

Question, Armen Hovsepian, “Mir” Ttelevision, I have a question for both Ministers. The President of Azerbaijan periodically announces that the number one enemies of Azerbaijan are the Armenians around the world. And at a recent plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Euronest Ilham Aliyev accused Armenia of not only in all unconceivable crimes and sins, but also called the Armenians as fascists.

Please tell us, why such repeated racist remarks have not yet been adequately assessed by the international community? Thank you.

Edward Nalbandian: In my opinion, there is a relevant reaction from the international community. I will not talk about the reaction from the Armenian side. We respond on a regular basis, because it is impossible not to react to such nonsense and provocations. As for the international community, I would remind a report published by the Council of Europe's Commission against Racism. There you can see the clear addressee being Azerbaijan with reference that in this country the situation with racism is not very good. What Baku is saying and doing, discredits the UN Security Council, as Azerbaijan currently is a non-permanent member of the Security Council.

This country creates tension in the region, every day makes bellicose statements and in an unprecedented manner increases its weaponry, by threatening regional and in general international stability and security. Racist expressions in Azerbaijan go beyond all boundaries. What does it means to declare a number one enemy of the people of Azerbaijan an entire people. No comments!

All this bring quite a negative reaction of the international community. Look at the reports, statements regarding the status of human rights, press freedom in Azerbaijan. I will not talk much about it; you are well-aware of all this.

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