The statement and answers of Edward Nalbandian at the joint press conference with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius

07 March, 2013

Good afternoon.

I am pleased to welcome Linas Linkevičius in Yerevan.

We took the opportunity of this meeting to discuss a wide range of issues related to bilateral relations, including regional and global issues. During the recent three years only Foreign Ministers had six reciprocal visits and various visits took place as well.

We agreed to keep the intensity of the consultations between the two foreign Ministries.We touched upon the implementation of the agreements reached during the visit of Lithuania’s President Dalia Dalia Grybauskaitė to Armenia.

We expressed satisfaction with an effective cooperation within the international organizations. We agreed to expand the legal framework between the two countries, to intensify the cultural exchanges and to discuss existing potential for expanding trade and economic cooperation. Surely we talked about a number of regional issues. I informed my Lithuanian counterpart about the efforts undertaken by Armenia and international community for the solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue exclusively through peaceful means.

Question, H2: My question is addressed to Minister Nalbandian. Couple of days ago you met with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and it is known that an agreement was reached to organize their visit to the region. Do we know the schedule of the visit?

Answer: Yes, the schedule is so far clear. The Co-Chairs are going to visit Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh during the fourth week of March.

Question, Republic of Armenia: Minister Nalbandian, it is for the first time that Armenia is going to preside over the Council of Europe. What kind of programs are there so far? Thank you.

Answer: In the second half of this year we are expecting Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland to visit Armenia in the frames of which Armenia would finalize the programs to be presented by Armenia during its presidency. Those programs will be presented in Strasbourg on May 16 when the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers passes the presidency to Armenia. In the framework of the Presidency it is planned that the President of the Republic of Armenia will visit Strasbourg. In this framework a series of important events are planned at the level of the Parliament, the Constitutional Court, Foreign Ministers as well as in other areas such as culture, education, youth policy.

Within the framework of the Presidency several cultural events are also scheduled in Strasbourg. It is expected to hold a conference at the level of mayors of the CoE member-states. As I have mentioned, the full program will be presented on May 16 in Strasbourg.

Question, Aravot Daily: Minister Nalbandian, last week Russian Air Forces Commander Vladimir Shamanove stated that in case of necessity Russian landing forces can be sent to outside of Russia, CSTO countries to overcome problems. This statement brought quite serious political debates in society, even was sharply criticized. Would you please comment this statement?

Answer: This statement needs no special comment. We should look at the decision, which was adopted in the framework of the CSTO and is relevant to the agreement between the CSTO countries. There is a relevant document and we need to rely on that document. I do not think that any statement needs additional comments, one word more or less.

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