Acting Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian’s address and answers to questions at a joint press conference with Deputy Prime-Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia

10 April, 2013

I am very pleased to welcome my colleague, Miroslav Lajčák, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and the European Affairs of Slovakia, who is in Armenia on an official visit. It is not the first time that he is in Armenia. This is the fourth visit by Mr. Lajčák.

I think that the visit of Mr. Lajčák will give a new impetus to the bilateral relations.
I want to note that all our meetings were held in a good atmosphere of mutual understanding, I would add that today our meeting was so, as well.

We took an advantage of this good opportunity to exchange views on a wide range of issues on the bilateral agenda, of course and various regional, international issues of interest to both sides. It is very important that yesterday a business forum was held in the frames of the visit, which is important for the development and expansion of trade and economic relations. Here, it seems, there is a great potential that we can realize together.

Today we also discussed our cooperation in the framework of Armenia-European Union and the sides expressed satisfaction with the considerable progress that has been made in the negotiation process with the European Union on the Association Agreement, as well as deep and comprehensive free trade zone with the European Union.

You know that last year in December we signed an agreement with the European Union on visa facilitation. In the coming days we are going to sign an agreement in Brussels on readmission. These are two important documents that are the basis for further negotiations on the visa liberalization.

We touched upon a number of international and regional issues.

I informed my counterpart about the negotiation process on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, about the efforts being made by Armenia together with the Co-Chairs of the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We will have an opportunity to continue negotiations during the working lunch today.

Once again I am very happy to welcome you in Armenia, Miroslav.

Question: Good afternoon. Armnews, David Sargsyan.
Mr. Minister, a few days ago, the Turkish Foreign Minister once again linked the question of normalization of relations with Armenia to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement. How would you comment it?

Edward Nalbandian: You know very well that the international community has repeatedly, in different formats, at different levels has expressed its principled position on the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions. This position coincides with that of Armenia. It has been repeatedly expressed that attempts to link the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations to the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement can harm both processes.

It seems that the Turkish side deliberately, persistently continues to attempt to link the two processes. I would not want to say it, but the impression is that this is done to prevent the efforts made by the international community together with Armenia in order to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

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