Edward Nalbandian's address and answers to questions at a joint press conference with Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

17 April, 2013


I am glad to welcome Thorbjørn Jagland, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, who is visiting Armenia for the second time in that position.

This visit of Mr. Jagland is taking place on the eve of Armenia’s upcoming presidency in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Exactly one month later, on May 16, Armenia will assume the presidency of the Council of Europe for six months. This is a very important milestone for Armenia as a member country of the EC, but also a great responsibility, and we need to exercise our best efforts to implement our presidency in the best way.

Shaping the priorities of our presidency in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, we have tried to combine important issues concerning the agenda of the Council of Europe as well as issues considered as priority for Armenia. We have attached importance to all three dimensions of the Council of Europe which are: human rights, rule of law and democracy. Many events are scheduled. The complete program will be presented on May 16 in Strasbourg.

We have discussed with the Secretary General also issues concerning the activities of the Council of Europe. We closely follow the developments trying to make contribution to the important processes for the Council of Europe. We welcome the reforms undertaken by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and we have consistently supported, and continue to support them.

Armenia has gone a long way of 12 years in the Council of Europe. During that time we have had a considerable progress in the process of implementing the obligations in terms of membership and we have made profound reforms in such spheres as human rights, democracy and the rule of law.During the meeting we have bilaterally attached importance to Armenia’s obligations and commitments in the implementation of Action Plan of 2012-2014 of Armenia-Council of Europe.

Today with Mr. Jagland we signed a memorandum of the establishment of the office of the Council of Europe and a memorandum of understanding of its legal status, which will raise the status of the presence of the Council of Europe in Armenia onto a new level.

During the meeting I presented to the Secretary General the latest developments in Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, the steps taken by the international community and Armenia in that direction.

Now I would like to give the floor to Mr. Jagland.

Hratsin Safaryan: H2: Mr. Minister, it is interesting to know, what will be the important events in the frames of Armenia’s presidency. Can you name one or two of them?

Edward Nalbandian:
As I said, the program will be presented on May 16 in Strasbourg, but I can now say that a lot of important conferences, events are scheduled at the level of parliaments and constitutional courts, foreign ministers, as well as in areas such as the fight against racism, discrimination and intolerance, cultural and religious dialogue, education, youth politics, culture. A meeting is also scheduled at the level of mayors of the capitals of the member states of the Council of Europe. In the framework of our presidency there will be high-level visits to Strasbourg. Particularly I would like to mention the President's scheduled visit to Strasbourg. A series of cultural events will be organized: exhibitions, concerts, I would like to mention the "Spartacus" ballet performance in Strasbourg.
In other words, the program of events, that will be presented on May 16 in Strasbourg is rather extensive.

Artak Barseghyan: Public Radio of Armenia: Two short questions. Mr. Nalbandian, is it expected that in the frames of Armenia's presidency diplomatic relations will be restored between Armenia and Hungary? And regarding the formation of the new government, have you met with the President and received on offer from him to continue holding the office? Thank you.

Edward Nalbandian: I will answer to the second question: If you mean the gossips, which are published in the newspapers, then I do not think that there is a need to comment on them. Concerning the relations with Hungary, Armenia is ready to normalize relations with Hungary, but Hungary needs to take appropriate steps in that direction.

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