Address and questions and answers of Edward Nalbandian during the joint press conference with Ivan Mrkić, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia

10 March, 2014

Good morning,

I am glad to welcome in Yerevan my colleague- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Mr. Ivan Mrkić who has paid an official visit to Armenia. We just had a meaningful and intensive conversation, discussed our bilateral relations and touched upon different international and regional issues.

We will continue our negotiations during a working lunch. Today Mr. Mrkić will also meet the President of Armenia, the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister. He will also visit Ejmiadzin to meet the Catholicos of All Armenians as well as to Tsitsernakaberd Memorial.

Today we agreed with my colleague that we should exert more efforts for enhancing, expanding, widening, deepening the cooperation between our two countries in all possible spheres.

We stressed the importance of reinforcing the legal framework. Today we don’t have many agreements- only five.

We have just signed one more agreement dedicated to avoiding the double taxation.
I hope we will soon improve our legal framework. There are many draft agreements currently being discussed. We hope that during the next visit they will be ready for signature.

We also talked about the enhancement of cultural ties, trade and economic relations. The trade circulation is not on a high level yet, though there is a great potential.

During the last one-two years we witness a growth in circulation, but, anyway, it does not match the existing potential.

We discussed Nagorno-Karabakh settlement process and agreed that it can be resolved only in a peaceful way based on the principles and elements proposed by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

We also touched upon the negotiation process going on between Serbia and Kosovo. Armenia finds it to be a positive course and we wish Serbia every success in this direction.

Public Radio- Mr. Minister, what is the Armenian position on the developments taking place in Ukraine. There are publications in our media that there is no even a message written in the name of Armenia in the Condolence Book opened in the Embassy of Ukraine. Will you clarify why?

Edward Nalbandian- I think these are useless and meaningless manipulations because the Foreign Ministry has expressed its condolences to Ukraine and the people of Ukraine by the press secretary. It occurred one-two days before the opening of the Book of Condolence. On the opening of the Book, the Foreign Ministry received a note from the Embassy of Ukraine in Yerevan registered on February 24, i.e. the following day of the opening.

On the same day the representative of the Ministry had a telephone conversation with the Ambassador of Ukraine and the Ambassador expressed understanding that the note was delivered with delay.

As for our position and approach on the processes in Ukraine it has been expressed on the highest level, the President has spoken about it.
We are hopeful that all possible steps are undertaken to find a peaceful settlement in the legal field which will contribute to the decrease of tension and resolution of pending questions.

Radio Liberty - Mr. Minister, Armenia as well as Russia is a member of the CSTO. I have two questions on Ukraine crisis. Has the crisis been discussed in the framework of the CSTO and if it is discussed what will be the Armenian position? Thank You.

Edward Nalbandian- I usually do not like using the word “if” much in any case. Of course, it is reasonable that there are many questions discussed in the framework of the CSTO, because there is consent to coordinate the foreign policy in this format. When there are such discussions then we will see what developments would take place, and the appropriate positions will be expressed.

Serbian journalist- Mr. Minister what directions do you see for the improvement of economic cooperation?

Edward Nalbandian- Today we discussed the development of our economic cooperation and as I mentioned we will continue those discussions. I think those directions are numerous. For example tourism on which we are going to sign an agreement. Industry and banking sector could be relevant as well.

I want particularly to stress that tomorrow a business forum will be held and Mr. Mrkić has arrived together with a delegation consisting of businessmen. I think during that forum we will have rather detailed discussions on economic cooperation.

I welcome the fact that the Minister has arrived with businessmen. There are also arrangements made between the Chambers of Commerce and Industry during the visit of the President of Serbia to Armenia in 2009 and the President of Armenia to Serbia in 2011.
I hope tomorrow we will have a good opportunity to continue talks made between the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of our two countries.

Mediamax- Mr. Minister, there is information in media that the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs today will meet the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan. We are interested whether a meeting between the Co-Chairs and You is also planned.

Edward Nalbandian- Yes, it is planned. It will take place tomorrow in Moscow.

Probably you know I met the Co-Chairs in Paris ten days ago.

It is a working process which intensively continues and when there are necessary conditions a meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan will also take place.

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