The Address and Answers of the Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian to the Questions at the Joint Press Conference with the Minister for Europe David Lidington

03 November, 2014

Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen,

I am glad to welcome David Lidington, the UK Minister for Europe, in Yerevan, who is in Yerevan not for the first time and it is not the first time that we meet, there have been many occasions within various international frameworks. I am glad that today a new opportunity was provided to continue our dialogue.

We can mention with satisfaction, that during the recent years the political dialogue and political contacts between our two countries have been very active, and I believe it will be continuous in the future. We can also record with satisfaction that the British business has recently increased its interests in terms of developing the trade-economic relations with Armenia.

Today we discussed a wide range of issues which refer to the development, strengthening and enhancement of bilateral relations. We have nearly 10 signed documents, it is important to further strengthen the legal framework.

The contacts between our Parliaments are quite active. I think we must encourage them.

It is important to create necessary conditions for further enhancement and strengthening of trade and economic cooperation.

Today we spoke about different international and regional issues. I represented the results of the summit devoted to the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which took place several days ago in Paris, and the efforts which undertaken by Armenia together with the Co-Chair countries towards the exclusively peaceful resolution of the conflict.

We touched upon the events taking place in Syria, Iraq, and generally in the Middle East. We stressed the importance of the coordination of the efforts of the international community in the struggle against terrorism. We spoke also about the negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program.

Today we will continue our discussions and I think there are many issues of mutual interest we will touch upon.

Thank you, now I am pleased to convey the floor to Mister Lidington.

Question. Mister Nalbandian, I would like You to comment on the recent conclusion of the UN expert report, according to which it will be impossible to reach the resolution of many conflicts, if the right of peoples to self-determination is ignored.

Answer. We have always mentioned and stressed, that the implementation of the right of self-determination does not cause the emergence of different conflicts, and just the reverse, the hindering, refusal of the exercise of the right of self-determination creates a respective fertile ground for the conflicts. The report mentioned by You speaks just about that.

We have always said and say, that the implementation of the right to self-determination can be preventive for new conflicts and can promote the settlement, preservation and strengthening of regional, international peace. This report speaks exactly about it.

We have always said and say, that the implementation of the right to self-determination can promote the strengthening of democracy and human rights defense. This report speaks exactly about it.

The international system today including the 193 UN member-states is a result of the implementation of the right to self-determination. How many countries existed at the times of the foundation of the UN? Fifty-one! That number has nearly quadrupled. To confront, ignore the right to self-determination is equivalent to opposing evolution.

We can unequivocally mention, that this important, valuable report once again affirms the approaches that Armenia had and has towards this issue, and not only Armenia, but also several other countries and institutions of the international community.

It is impossible for any country and society, where democracy and human rights are protected, to resist the right to self-determination. The last example is in the United Kingdom, where Scotland held a referendum.

This is the reality in the international arena. Ignoring the right to self-determination has created new reasons for new issues, new problems, new conflicts.

Question, Mr. Nalbandian, during the recent days many accusations were sounded by Baku authorities towards Armenia, through those accusations trying to attribute the authoritarian manners of Azerbaijan to Armenia. What do you think, what is its purpose?

Answer: Independent of the purpose it pursues, I do not think that it could make an impression on anyone outside of Azerbaijan. And even inside Azerbaijan that can impress very few people. Criticism on such a topic by a county, which is characterized by the most authoritative international structures as an autocracy with the most glaring and gross violations of human rights, actually looks like an empty talk.

Could you imagine such accusation deriving from Gaddafi’s Libya or Saddam Hussein’s Iraq? Whom could they impress?

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