Address of Foreign Minister of Armenia and answers to the questions of journalists during joint press conference with Foreign Minister of Iran

27 January, 2015

Good afternoon,

I am glad to welcome my counterpart, Foreign Minister of Iran Mr. Zarif in Armenia.

We had great opportunity today to continue our dialogue, discussed wide range of issues of bilateral relations, and also exchanged thoughts over a range of regional and international issues.

We place significance to the efforts, directed to the strengthening, deepening and development of relations and cooperation between the two states.

We mentioned with satisfaction, that during the 12th session of Armenian-Iranian Inter-governmental Committee, held in Tehran recently, agreements were reached on various joint economic projects. We hope that the projects scheduled by the two states would soon be realized. We attach importance to the inter-parliamentary ties, mutual visits, decentralized cooperation between different marzes (provinces) and regions of Armenia and Iran, and also cooperation in the fields of culture, education and other areas.

We touched upon the process of the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Armenia appreciates the balanced stance, that Iran always voiced on the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. I presented the efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards exclusively peaceful settlement.

We touched upon the on-going negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program. My counterpart briefed about the latest developments. The positive tendencies that we observe in that process recently, inspire that those negotiations would ensure anticipated result in the near future, that would be satisfactory for all the sides, what is not only in Iran’s and regional countries’ interests, including Armenia, but those of the international community.

We will have a chance to continue our discussions during working lunch.

Now, I am glad to give the floor to my counterpart and then we would answer the questions.

Question (Mediamax agency) I have two questions. First question to the Foreign Minister of Armenia. Mr. Minister, Azerbaijan President stated in Davos, that the same norms of the international law are to serve as basis for the settlement of all the conflicts around the globe. How would you comment this?
Second question to the Foreign Minister of Iran. Mr. Minister, what new opportunities surface with the membership of Armenia in Eurasian Economic Union for Armenian-Iranian economic development? Thank you.

Edward Nalbandian Such statements of the Azerbaijani President leave a delusive impression, which has nothing to do with reality.

The real impression is that on the one hand there are the principles and norms of international law, and on the other hand there is the Azerbaijani perception of international law and the principles. I would like to remind, that basic principles lay in the foundation of those proposals, that were made by the Co-Chair states on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

I would also like to remind, that these are the three principles, i.e. non-use of force and treat of force, right to self-determination and territorial integrity. In response to the calls made by the Co-Chair states, including those made on the presidential level, Armenia on numerous occasions reassured its commitment to the exceptionally peaceful settlement of the issue based on those principles.

As of Azerbaijan, it does not express its stance, in defense of those principles of international law. Statements, which the Azerbaijani high-level officials make, depending their audience and how they want to be perceived by that respective audience, reveals this contradiction. But in reality when different international organizations voice criticism at Azerbaijan, Baku says, that those organizations do not understand anything. Probably only the Azerbaijanis are the ones to understand.

Question What opportunities emerge with Armenian-Iranian economic cooperation, after Armenia’s joining to EAEC.

Edward Nalbandian It is not long ago that we became a member of the Eurasian Union and we studying the opportunities so that our membership is positively reflected not only on our relations with the EAEC member-states, but also our neighbours and other states, with whom we have traditionally developed economic and trade relations as well as great perspectives to further strengthen, deepen and develop them. Neighbouring Iran is one of them.

Question My question is to both Foreign Ministers. The Iranian side always voiced readiness to build Hydro Power Plant and Iran-Armenia gas pipeline. The question is what in the end impedes? Lack of investments, or that of the will of two Governments? Thank you.

Edward Nalbandian Had there not be the will both side would not state about their readiness and desire to bring those projects into life. In my address I mentioned that we welcome those agreements that were reached between the two sides, including during the 12th session of the Intergovernmental Committee, where the aforementioned projects were discussed. I expressed hope, that they soon would be implemented and witness tangible results.

There are always technical issues, but I would like to mention, that there are no problems between the two states. To be more precise, they are technical issues, solutions to which are always possible to get.

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