Address and Q&A of the Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian at the joint press conference with the Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov

08 April, 2015

Thanks a lot, Sergey Viktorovich,

Not to repeat what Sergey Viktorovich already told, and he covered thoroughly almost everything we discussed during our meeting.

The meeting was as always productive, constructive, and it is natural, because Ministers of Foreign Affairs of two allied countries are meeting. We have meetings quite often. This visit, though, is an official one and I would like to express gratitude to Sergey Viktorovich for the invitation to pay an official visit to the Russian Federation. But, even during the past week we twice had an opportunity to talk, within the CSTO Foreign Ministerial Council in Dushanbe, and then within CIS Council of Foreign Ministers in Bishkek, and earlier in different international frameworks. We enjoyed many opportunities to exchange thoughts on a range of issues.

Today, as Sergey Viktorovich mentioned, it is a wide range of issues regarding bilateral relations, process of implementation of agreements reached on the level of the heads of our States. The visit of the President of the Russian Federation for the participation at the events of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide is due to take place in the near future. We also reflected on the issues of the preparatory works of the visit. Our Presidents will have an opportunity to meet once again in May during the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The width, scope of the issues we discussed with Sergey Viktorovich reveals that, indeed, allied, strategic relations are strengthening, enhancing over the years, and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of two states contribute significantly to this. We share considerable, well-established coordination between the MFAs, our diplomats interact within international organizations quite successfully – both within the UN and OSCE, Council of Europe and BSEC. Armenia joined the Eurasian Union, and from that point of view additional opportunities surfaced for the widening and strengthening of our economic relations.

Today we also covered the areas of trade and economic cooperation, as well as quite successful cooperation between our military structures. This is an entire field of topics relating to military-technical cooperation.

Humanitarian contacts actively develop. It refers to those educational institution that were established in Armenia. Opening of Lomonosov Moscow State University branch is in prospect.

We also reflected on a range of regional, international issues, and, particularly centered our attention on the process of the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement. Here I would like to mention that we commend the efforts of the Russian Federation, together with other Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group for exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Together with the Co-Chairs, Armenia will continue its efforts directed towards political settlement of the conflict.

Thank you.


Question: (Vahe Hovhannisyan, Armenian Shant TV channel) I have questions to both Ministers. You touched upon the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, but I would like to ask you to interpret in more details on which stage the settlement process is. The negotiations, how did they stick and how did the approaches and principles of the settlement change? And I would like to request Sergey Viktorovich to interpret on Russia’s reaction. Is Russia ready to fulfill her obligations to Armenia in case of an escalation? It is no secret, that Azerbaijan actively voices territorial claims to even Armenia, let alone Nagorno-Karabakh. It is reflected in official statements and military provocations. What the actions would be like, once military escalation rise? Thank you.

Edward Nalbandian: (in addition to S. Lavrov’s answer) I can only add that regarding the stances of the parties, I do not think that some changes appear, that we could speak about the change in stances of the sides. The Co-Chairs’ stance is reflected in the Statements on the level of Presidents of the Co-Chair states, i.e. in L'Aquila, Muskoka, Deauville, Los Cabos and Enniskillen. And Armenia’s stance is in line with that of the international community. As soon as the Azerbaijani stance would also be in line with that of the international community, and the Co-Chairs have the mandate of the international community to mediation in the settlement process, then indeed we will move towards the opportunity of political settlement to the conflict.

Unfortunately, till now Azerbaijan rejects the proposals of the Co-Chairs on the essence of the settlement of the conflict and confidence-building measures. This is what we have today, but there is no alternative to the negotiations. Together with the Co-Chairs Armenia will continue its efforts directed towards exceptionally peaceful settlement to the conflict.

Question: (Maria Glushkova, TASS Agency) Question to the Minister of Armenia. Mr. Minister, since 2015 Armenia is a member of the E(A)EU, as was already mentioned, but at the same time, the country continues consultations on integration development within the European Union. How does Armenia see her future between those two integration unions on the Eurasian area? Thanks.

Edward Nalbandian: Yesterday we thoroughly discussed this issue. Although the meeting with the editors of prominent Russian media outlets at TASS was in an off-the-record format. And I absolutely clearly said that as it was mentioned at the last session of Armenia-European Union Cooperation Council in January, in Brussels – Armenia and the EU are intent on continuing close cooperation in all possible areas and directions, given Armenia’s commitments in other integration processes.

In my opinion, this is quite a concrete wording – everything is clearly stated. This was voiced at Vilnius summit, where Armenia and the European Union adopted joint Statement, practically by the same wording. Yes, we are members of the Eurasian Union, and at the same time, given our obligations, including those in E(A)EU, we negotiate with the European Union on the widening and strengthening of our partner cooperation in all possible directions.

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