Minister Oskanian’s Meetings in Strasbourg

18 December, 2007

On December 5, 2007, Foreign Minister Oskanian met with the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Sergei Lavrov, and Nikolai Bordyuzha, Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).
During the meeting with Minister Lavrov, Minister Oskanian expressed appreciation for the collaboration between Armenia and Russia in the spheres of economy, politics, as well as in culture, science and tourism.

The two also underscored the cooperation between two countries’ foreign ministries. After the negotiations they signed a program for consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries.
In the meeting between the Armenian Foreign Minister and Secretary General Bordyuzha, which took place at the Armenian Embassy in Moscow, the two underscored Armenia’s active participation in the CSTO and agreed that the appointment of the new Armenian representative to the CSTO will support efforts to make this multilateral cooperation more effective. They also discussed issues concerning the military exercises to take place in Armenia during 2008


Minister Oskanian and Secretary General Bordyuzha spoke about the cooperation of CSTO member countries’ foreign ministries, as well as the implementation of decisions in regard to upcoming sessions of the CSTO to be held in Yerevan under Armenia’s Chairmanship next year.

Later in the same day, Minister Oskanian spoke at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy on Armenia’s foreign policy priorities.

He also gave an interview on Russia Today, the 24-hour Russian English language TV channel. view complete interview here

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