Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian and Mayor of Paris open the Yerevan Park in the center of the city

12 March, 2009

On March 12, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian and Mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoe opened the Yerevan Park in the center of the city. The Park starts from the monument of Komitas and reaches the statue of Adam Mickiewicz.

Thousands of guests, among them Charles Aznavour, French Civil Service Minister André Santini, Senators and MPs, stetesmen and politicians, mayors, diplomats, businessmen, French pop-singer Hélèn Ségara, famous film producer Alain Terzian, French-Armenian religious and public leaders, hundreds of French-Armenian pupils attended the ceremony.

At the beginning of the ceremony Foreign Minister of Armenia and Mayor of  Paris laid a wreath on the monument of Komitas which simbolizes the memory of victims of the Armenian Genocide. The military orchestra played the anthem of Armenia.

In his opening speech the Mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoe said that the opening of the Yerevan Park in the heart of Paris is the evidence of friendly and warm relations, sympathy and mutual respect between the two nations and an unique present from Paris to her sister-city – Yerevan, to Armenia and the Armenian people, as a sign of the warmness towards the Armenians and their invaluable contribution to the development of France.         

 Thanking the Mayor for such a friendly gesture towards Yerevan and Armenia, Edward Nalbandian qualified the opening of the Yerevan Park as another symbol of history-tested friendship between the Armenian and French nations.

Minister mentioned that hundreds of squares, avenues, streets and monuments all over France dedicated to Armenia and Armenian people witness the deep relations between Armenia nad France, and the Yerevan Park in the centre of Paris, which becomes the place where the name of Yerevan and Armenian presence is eternalized, is the evidence of special relations between the two nations.

After the speeches the children’s chorus of “Dprocaser” college sang the song “Erebouni-Yerevan” and Edward Nalbandian, Bertrand Delanoe and Charles Aznavour opened the signboard with the name of the Yerevan Park the at the center of the garden.   
 The idea of opening the Yerevan Park was presented by foremer minister Nalbandian Armen (Armenian former Ambassador to Paris) several years ago. The proposal was accepted by the special decision of the municipal council of Paris.

On the same day at the headquarter of France Telecom - Orange company Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian with and Chairman and CEO of the company Didier Lombard participated in the ceremony of launching  of Armenian Public TV’s programs in the network and channel package of Orange TV:  in Orange TV, Internet TV and Mobile TV networks. Now all the subscribers can watch Armenian Public TV’s satellite programs by their cell phones.

At the ceremony, Armenian Foreign Minister delivered a speech in which he attached importance to this initiative of the Orange company and said that it gives an opportunity to the French nation to discover Armenia better. Minister Nalbandian welcomed the entry of Orange company into Armenia and expressed hope that the services provided in Armenia will be of high quality.

On the same day Minister Nalbandian concluded his visit to Paris Nalbandian returned Yerevan.

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