Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian started his official visit to China.

11 September, 2009

Foreign Minister of Armenia discussed the perspectives of development of bilateral relations with Chinese highest leadership.

On September 10, by the invitation of Foreign Minister of China Yang Jiechi, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian arrived in Beijing with an official visit.
On September 11, meeting between Foreign Ministers of Armenia and ChinaEdward Nalbandian and Yang Jiechi took place.

Edward Nalbandian thanked his Chinese counterpart for warm reception and mentioned that Armenia attaches great importance to the development and enhancement of friendly relations with China. Minister Nalbandian expressed satisfaction with dynamic development of bilateral relationship in different areas and said, that there isn't any problem between Armenia and China that could divide the sides, instead there are many factors that unite our countries.

Ministers Nalbandian and Yang Jiechi noted that effective cooperation in political, economic, cultural and education areas enhanced mutual trust between the sides and now there is a willingness of the two countries to undertake dynamic steps for the deepening of mutually beneficial partnership by involving new areas of cooperation.

Armenian and Chinese Foreign Ministers had a detailed discussion on issues concerning the intensification of consultations between Foreign Ministries, the enhancement of cooperation between the two countries within the international organizations, and exchanged views on number of international and regional issues.

Armenian Foreign Minister reaffirmed the Armenian position on One-China and thanked his Chinese counterpart for the balanced position of China on the issues related to the Caucasus.
Edward Nalbandian presented to his Chinese counterpart the process of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, as well as the efforts aimed at the settlement of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) issue.

Foreign Minister of China expressed his country's support for the steps undertaken in the directions of peace settlement of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) issue and normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations.

Ministers had an intense discussion on the issues of international relations, particularly - UN Security Council reform, Middle East settlement process, the elimination of consequences of financial crisis and global climate change.

During the negotiations Foreign Ministers of Armenia and China had a detailed discussion on the promotion of economic partnership and the implementation of agreements reached in that area. It was decided to hold the next session of Armenian-Chinese intergovernmental commission in December in Beijing.

At the meeting of Foreign Ministers which lasted approximately 3 hours, the two also touched upon the cooperation in the areas of education, science and culture. They both attached importance to the necessity to increase the number of Armenian and Chinese students in the Universities of Armenia and China, as well as the signing of an agreement on mutual  recognition of certificates of education. Ministers mentioned with satisfaction that on November 2009 Chinese Cultural days will be held in Armenia and discussed the possibility of organization of Armenian Cultural Days in China.

On the same day Edward Nalbandian was received by Vice President of China Xi Jinping.

Armenian Foreign Minister conveyed to the Vice President of China the congratulatory message of the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on the 60-th anniversary of the People's Republic of China addressed to the President of China Hu Jintao.

During the meeting, which lasted nearly an hour, they discussed the perspectives of development of bilateral relations.

Vice President Jinping welcomed the upcoming visit of the President of Armenia to China.

Xi Jinping and Edward Nalbandian had a detailed discussion on a wide range of issues concerning bilateral political, economic and cultural relations.

The two expressed satisfaction with the established friendly partnership between the two countries and emphasized that the positions of Armenia and China on international issues coincide or are close to each other. Chinese Vice-President expressed his gratitude for Armenia's stand in issues of great importance for China.

Touching upon the joint projects Vice President of China and Armenian Foreign Minister stressed the joint construction of Synthetic Rubber Shanxi- Nairit factory in China which is nearly to be completed, as well as the participation of Chinese companies in the reconstruction and modernization of power plants in Armenia, the mining, particularly in the chloroprene molybdenum industry. Minister Nalbandian stressed Armenia's interest in attracting more investments from China in different economic projects. Vice President of China mentioned that the Chinese Government would encourage the business sector to make investments in Armenia.

On September 11, at the Ministry of Trade of China an Agreement on providing technical-economic support to Armenia by the Chinese Government was signed.

On September 10, Edward Nalbandian delivered a comprehensive speech on Armenia's foreign policy at the Institute of International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. Ambassadors and diplomats accredited in Beijing, expert community, representatives of business frameworks and journalists attended the meeting.

Armenian Foreign Minister also visited the Armenian Embassy in Beijing, where he had consultation with the staff of the Embassy, then met with the Armenian students studying in Beijing. During the friendly conversation, Edward Nalbandian presented the Armenian-Chinese relations and perspectives of their development, answered the questions of the students.

Foreign Minister of Armenia gave broad interviews to Xinhua news agency and CCTV central state TV.

On September 12, Edward Nalbandian will leave for Shanghai where he will have meetings with the organization committee of Shanghai World Expo 2010.

Within the framework of the visit to China Edward Nalbandian visited Shanghai where he had meetings with the leadership of Shanghai City Hall and organizing committee of Shanghai World Expo 2010 and discussed issues concerning Armenia’s participation in that exhibition.

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