Foreign Minister of Armenia has an official visit to Norway

30 January, 2010

On January 29 Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian who was in Oslo with a short official visit had a meeting with his Norwegian counterpart Jonas Gahr Støre.

During a tête-à-tête meeting and a working lunch, Ministers discussed the steps to be undertaken in the direction of developing bilateral relations, as well as regional and international issues.

Ministers stressed the necessity to promote cooperation between Armenia and Norway in different areas, particularly by organizing high-level visits, holding regular consultations between the Foreign Ministries, forming legal field, intensifying exchanges in the areas of culture, education and science.

Foreign Minister of Armenia and Norway had a comprehensive discussion on the possibility to intensify interaction in economic area and agreed to undertake additional efforts in that direction.
Minister Støre presented the priorities of his country’s foreign policy, the experience of cooperation between the Scandinavian countries, mentioning that it could also be used in other regions. Within this context Minister Nalbandian stressed that Norway’s policy and its activities aimed at the strengthening of international security of a country, which has the leading positions in the world by its hydrocarbon resources and is considered as the most peaceful country in the world could be exemplary for other countries that have such resources.

Armenian Foreign Minister presented to his Norwegian counterpart the main directions and priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy – Armenia’s efforts aimed at the maintenance of security and stability in the Caucasian region, foreign policy line of rapprochement with the European family and the steps being undertaken in that direction, the recent developments in the negotiations on settlement of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) issue, the initiative of the President of Armenia to establish relations between Armenia and Turkey and the efforts in that direction.

Ministers Nalbandian and Jonas Gahr Støre also touched upon the issues of the OSCE agenda.

Edward Nalbandian and Jonas Gahr Støre signed Agreement on Readmission between Armenia and Norway.

A joint statement for press was adopted on the results of the meeting.

On the same day Foreign Minister of Armenia visited Norwegian Institute of International Relations, where he delivered a comprehensive speech on Armenia’s foreign policy.

Ambassadors accredited in Oslo, MFA high-ranking officials, political scientists attended the meeting. After speech Minister Nalbandian answered the questions of participants, including Ambassadors of Turkey and Azerbaijan.

In Oslo Edward Nalbandian also visited the Institute of Nansen located at the House of Fridtjof Nansen where he got acquainted with its activities, had a meeting with the leadership of the Institute. The latter presented the preparatory works of events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Fridtjof Nansen. In that regard, Minister Nalbandian suggested to organize joint events dedicated to Nansen’s anniversary in Armenia.

Minister laid a wreath to Nansen’s tomb and wrote a note in the commemoration book.

The program of Armenian Foreign Minister’s visit to Oslo also included an economic dimension – on January 29 in the evening Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with the Norwegian businessmen and presented the possibilities of implementation of new economic projects in Armenia.

Minister Nalbandian also gave comprehensive interviews to the Norwegian “NRK” state TV and leading “Aftenposten” newspaper.

On January 30 early in the morning Minister Nalbandian left for Yerevan.

During an official visit to Norway on 29 January 2010 by H.E. Mr Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, political talks were held with Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. The Ministers addressed a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from bilateral relations to the regional situation in the South Caucasus as well as European integration and co-operation and other international issues of mutual interest.

Reflecting a shared ambition to further develop bilateral relations, the Ministers agreed to intensify political dialogue, including through bilateral consultations between the Foreign Ministries, to consider expanding the legal framework of cooperation and to explore new opportunities for people-to-people contacts. The Ministers stressed the importance of economic cooperation and cultural ties between Norway and Armenia.

The Ministers signed a bilateral Readmission Agreement. "In an era of increasing mobility and migration, this agreement is an important part of relations between our two states", said Foreign Minister Store.

Minister Nalbandian invited his Norwegian counterpart to pay an official visit to Armenia. "We value our relations with Norway and look forward to raising our cooperation to a new level," said Minister Nalbandian.

Minister Støre welcomed the efforts of Armenia and Turkey towards normalization of their bilateral relations including the opening of the border and the establishment of diplomatic relations.

The Ministers also exchanged views on the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. Minister Støre reiterated Norway's full support for the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group to facilitate a peaceful solution. The Ministers confirmed their commitment to the framework for further negotiations as reflected in the 2009 OSCE Athens Ministerial Statement.

Foreign Minister Nalbandian also held a lecture at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and paid a visit to the former home of renowned Norwegian polar explorer, diplomat and humanitarian, Fridtjof Nansen.
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