The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia receives Zhong Shan, the Vice-Minister of Commerce of China

22 July, 2010

On July 22, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia received Zhong Shan, the Vice-Minister of Commerce of China.
Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian said. “A high level political dialogue between Armenia and China, permanent expansion and deepening of interaction in the areas of economy, science and culture, a great experience of cooperation gained up till now create a solid basis for the development, deepening and strengthening of bilateral relations.”
Edward Nalbandian expressed confidence that the visit and meetings of Zhong Shan would promote the development of the Armenian-Chinese economic relations.
The Vice-Minister of Commerce of China Zhong Shan stressed that the regular political dialogue, mutual support within multilateral formats promote the extension of mutual understanding and confidence between Armenia and China.
They both mentioned that during the visit of the President of Armenia to China the leaders of the two countries reached important agreements, the realization of which would give a new impulse to the Armenian-Chinese cooperation in different areas.
Edward Nalbandian congratulated Vice-Minister Zhong Shan, who is also one of the managers of the organization committee of “Shanghai World Expo”, for a top level organization of the Exhibition. The Vice-Minister of Commerce of China informed that every day more than 30.000 people visit the Armenian pavilion at the Exhibition - one of the most successful pavilions. It is expected that till the end of the Exhibition the number of visitors of the Armenian pavilion would be 3.5 millions.
In the course of the meeting they discussed issues concerning the expansion of areas of cooperation, including the perspectives of interaction in the areas of energy, mine industry, agriculture, healthcare and in other areas. The sides mentioned with satisfaction that up till now joint projects have been realized with a great success and the operation of “Shanxi- Nairit” joint factory is an evidence of that.

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