The Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian receives the Ambassador of Sweden Hans Gunnar Adén

23 August, 2010

On August 23, the Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian received Hans Gunnar Adén, the Ambassador of Sweden on the occasion of completing his diplomatic mission in Armenia.

Edward Nalbandian, commending the cooperation established between the two countries, expressed gratitude to Ambassador Adén for his personal contribution to the development of the Armenian-Swedish relations.

Highly appreciating the dynamically developing bilateral relations, as well as the cooperation within the framework of international organizations, the sides attached importance to the development of bilateral economic ties between Armenia and Sweden.
The Minister and the Ambassador exchanged views on the Armenia-European Union cooperation.

On the Ambassador’s request, they touched upon the process of settlement of the Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) issue, as well as discussed other regional issues.

By the end of the meeting Minister Nalbandian awarded Hans  Gunnar Adén with the MFA medal as a symbol of Adén’s contribution to the strengthening of the Armenian-Swedish relations.

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